Monday, October 15, 2018

Sunday, October 14, 2018

I got up once during the night, again at 6am, and catnapped until getting up at 8:30.

I had a large bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, changed into my Ciclovia clothes and headed out.  I walked the 30 minutes to Carulla and back.  At one point I passed a small tent they had set up for bicycle repairs.  I noticed a man with a hand pump blowing up a tire.  A few feet further and I was stopped by a crossing guard as the traffic light had changed.  I heard a loud bang which I imagine was the tire exploding.  It didn’t look like anyone was hurt.  I stopped at Exito and bought a package of sandwich bread.

At noon I made popcorn and poured myself a Coke and sat down for the game.  My Chicago Bears lost to the Miami Dolphins 31-28 in overtime.  Drat!  I look forward to these games all week and this is what happens.

Laura left to go meet with a friend at the mall.  Later she sent me a text that she’s been contacted by another family (5th?) this time a couple from Colorado Springs who are both in the medical field and are expecting their first child in January.  Talk about being Miss Popular.

Teresa left about 6:30 to take her mother to the mall and meet up with Laura.

My chess tournament synopsis: Well, I ended up with 4 wins out of 7, which is good for me even if I’m mostly playing these patzer children.

I played 4 games with White, winning 3.  With White I always played e4 and my opponent responded with c5 twice, d6 once, and Nf6 once.  I played the King’s Indian Attack in each game. 

I played 3 games with Black, winning 1.  My opponent always opened with e4 and I always responded with c5 and I played the Sicilian Defense, Najdorf variation.  Obviously, I need more practice with this opening.

Joke of the day
A guy was at a local beer hall when a beautiful woman walked in. The beer hall was full and there was only one place to sit: next to him! Always a friendly guy, he decided to strike up a conversation with his pretty new neighbor. But as soon as he said "Hello, Miss..." she turned to him and screamed at the top of her lungs, "WHAT KIND OF A PERSON DO YOU THINK I AM, YOU PERVERT!"

This really caught him off guard as all of his friends in the beer hall were glaring at him for trying to molest this newcomer. He slouched down as far as he could on his stool, and looked at what he knew would be his last drink here in a long time.

After a few minutes the lady said to him, "I'm sorry if I scared or embarrassed you. I'm a Psychology student and I'm doing a study on what happens to an innocent person when they are falsely accused of something in public. Please don't take it personally. We're friends, right? Shake hands?"

He looked at her, her hand stretched out, her eyes imploring and then he yelled out, "A THOUSAND BUCKS FOR A NIGHT!!! ARE YOU CRAZY??"


  1. Patzer!!! First time I've seen that word in your blog. Seems like I jogged your memory.

    Your welcome! Lol

  2. Yes, you certainly did. I certainly wouldn't hear that word here with all these Spanish speakers.
