Friday, May 2, 2014

Friday, May 2nd, 2014

Last night I sent Teresa an email telling her I know a very good restaurant for ribs in El Poblado.  The only problem is they don’t open until 6pm.  I suggested we find a place in Parque Lleras and have a drink unless she has a better idea.

Also on Sunday we will probably need to go to Exito to buy food and additional kitchen utensils before she can begin cooking.

The family across the street came home and the mother and youngest daughter were arguing about something from the moment they got out of the car and continuing when they entered the house.  Of course I have no idea what they are saying but they both were complaining at the same time.

I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 4:40am, and finally woke/got up at 6:25.

I had my usual breakfast at El Comedor de Chava followed by an orange juice at Redd’s.

For my Spanish lesson we had a drink at the Tinto Store while Jhon tested me on the 200 Spanish regular nouns.  I got about 95% of them right using the multiple choice format but I still need to learn them better.

Opening today in the USA is The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (7.6).

Locally, Captain America (8.2) is playing at Oviedo at 6:20; Spiderman 2 (7.6) is playing at 3:40pm and 4:10pm (3D) in Santafé, 1:30pm (3D) in Unicentro and 4:15 in Vizcaya.  I have the chess tournament tonight but next week I should be able to see one or more of them.

1:15, back in my apartment, and it’s started raining.  2:10 and it appears to have ended.  I’d better head to Viva CC before it starts raining again.

On my way to Viva CC I passed an old man who said “How are you?”.  I barely got out “fine” as he went by.  I have no idea who he is.

Sitting in the food court I updated some of my Spanish notes and then read more of my Nook book.

At 3pm I had a ham sandwich from Subway and a small strawberry shake from BK.

Before I left I remembered I wanted to see if the Juan Valdez kiosk on the other side of the mall had Wi-Fi.  It would be nice if I could get a good internet connection somewhere in this mall.  At 4:20 I ordered a medium Mocca Latte for 4,800.  While I waited for it I looked at the pastries they also sold and was SHOCKED to see what looked like carrot cake.  I could see 3 slices left and it sure looked like pieces of carrot inside.  The only thing that appeared to be missing is the cream cheese frosting on top.  After I sat down with my drink I realized I didn’t have my iPad with me, I had my Nook.  I tried to locate the option where I would need Wi-Fi but couldn’t find it.

As I left Viva at 5:15 it was raining lightly.  I checked my records and May is the 2nd rainiest month with 24 rainy days and a total of 7.854 inches.  

It’s time to be on my way to the last day of the chess tournament.  I hope it’s more than just trophy award night.  I hope I get to play a serious game.

T-shirt of the day: Tommy Hilfiger (whoever this guy is, he sure is popular here!  lol)


  1. Hi Terry....I'm Tom...the "other" gringo living in Medellin...jajaja. We live within walking distance of Parque Lleras. Donde esta usted ?

  2. Hello Tom,

    I'm sorry it took so long to notice you're comment. I was just in your neighborhood today at Parque Poblado. You have probably heard of Laureles - I'm next door in Simon Bolivar.

