Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Tuesday, January 6th, 2015

I got up once during the night, again about 6am, finally waking/getting up at 9am.

After breakfast, about 10:15, I was just about to take my shower when Teresa started a conversation about the delivery of the washing machine.  I understood she talked to someone named Fernando and he would charge 80mil to deliver a new washing machine from the Envigado Exito.  What I didn’t understand is when she said he would charge 35mil to deliver it from the Caldas finca.  I had to use Google Translate, step by step, to confirm everything.  Finally I understood she was talking about an Exito in Caldas (not a finca).  I had her call the Caldas Exito and they confirmed by suspicion that they don’t have the same model.  I told Teresa the difference between getting the model she wants from Envigado and the bother of getting something else from Caldas is only $20.  I understand tomorrow we will go to Envigado and order the washing machine then it takes about 4 days for it to be delivered from the warehouse to the Exito store.  But first we’re going to stop in Caldas and make the first 100mil payment for the exercise machine.

I checked out the magicJack box and it said there was a Quick Start guide inside.  The guide consisted of how to register your magicJack and the services it provides.  The only installation instructions are “Installation Help: Always wait a full 3 minutes for software to install.  Do not attempt to make a call or press any keys on your keyboard after your magicJack is properly installed.”  There was nothing about how to actually install the software.

I plugged the magicJack GO into one of the USB ports and it started installing new software.  When it stopped it reported that 6 of the updates worked correctly but not the last.  It gave me further information where I had to change MS Windows to be more liberal in allowing updates.  When I did that it then completed 40 something MS updates ending with having to do a restart.  Now that’s it’s restarted I don’t know how to continue.

Teresa went outside about 2pm and I understood something about “wash dogs” so I followed her but I missed the word “blankets”.  But I picked up Peluche and motioned to put him in the large plastic trash can she had filled with soap and water.  Teresa and I gave Peluche a good wash and rinse (the dry he handled himself).

Teresa said something and I looked up the road and saw Laura coming down carrying a large travel bag.

We went inside and while Teresa and Laura were talking I played a little Super Mario Bros.  

At 2:45 the electricity went out.

I took a nap from about 3 to 4 and Teresa took one from about 4 to 5.

I thought Teresa had bought some candles but she said no.  Also, my cell phone needs to be recharged, the only flashlight is also on the weak side and it will be dark by 6 or 6:30. 

At 5:30 the electricity came back on.  Yay!

It’s been 8 days since I submitted my application for my new Cedula so I went to and scrolled down to “Cedulas para reclamar”.  I can see that it was last updated on 12/31/14 but I looked for my Cedula number anyway and, as expected, didn’t find it.

Weeks ago, I had checked my list of greatest movies against Netflix so I was surprised today to see Jurassic Park on their list.  We made popcorn and started watching it.  I was happy to see that Teresa apparently hadn’t seen it before and she loved it.

I took my sleeping pill at 9:45 and we went to bed at 11:15.

T-shirt of the day: We don’t work, we play.

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