Saturday, January 11, 2020

Friday, January 10, 2020

Last night I took half a Zopiclona with 2 Trazadone and went to bed at 10:45.  I woke up at 4am and soon heard a party somewhere nearby singing.  At 5am I got up, took another half a Zopiclona and went back to bed and was soon back asleep.  I finally woke/got up at 7:30 and Teresa was already up since she’s going to an early gym class.

Teresa left at 8:30 for her class.

Among new US releases I would like to see Underwater (6.3), 1917 (8.6) and The Informer (6.5).  Locally, I would like to see Underwater playing at Vizcaya at 2:20pm.

I left the apt at 9:30 and walked to the gym.  On my way I noticed a spot on the sidewalk with 3 dog turds.  Eww!  Marcos was at the gym and he asked me how much I pay for Basic Direct TV.  (Back at the apt I texted him that according to my recent bill its 79,900 for Basic, 27mil for the decoder box, and 17mil for HD service.)  I introduced myself to Andres, a manager there who speaks good English, and asked him about machine use etiquette.  I was concerned because I often find things like water bottles and towels on machines but no one using them.  He said any available machine can be used.  I also told him about my problem with the turnstile often not accepting my fingerprint and he gave me a password I can use.  I completed all my exercises in an hour and 30 minutes.  On my way back to the apt I noticed the dog turds had been removed.

I used google (actually DuckDuckGo) to figure out how to change my Yahoo Mail interface language back to English.

At 3pm I looked at the temperature outside and my thermometer read 100 degrees.  Obviously the direct sunlight sent the mercury all the way to the top.  Wow, a hot day.  Humid and not a cloud in the sky.  We’re waiting around until the heat of the day passes then we’re going to Mayorca to look for Nike shoes, on sale, for me.

We left the apt at 6pm and took a taxi to Mayorca.  We came in at the same level as the Nike store.  Of course I wasn’t interested in any of the sale shoes but I did find a white pair for about 250mil.  They seem slightly big on me but i hope I'll get used to them.

Teresa looked in a couple more stores then we went upstairs to J&C Delicias for dinner.  As we were finishing eating Teresa asked me what time it is.  I said 8:05pm.  She said tonight is the final night of Yo Me Llamo.  I told her I thought it was last night.  I quickly paid the check and we headed for the escalators.  As we were coming down an older couple in front of us with their elder couple stepped off and stopped and looked around.  My pet peeve.  We had nowhere to go so of course we ran into them.  We quickly caught a taxi outside and were back at the apt by 8:30 so she caught the end of the show.  Then she told me that tonight isn’t the final episode. 

Well, that didn’t last long.  My Yahoo email acccount is back to a Spanish interface.  I guess I’m going to have to call them.

I started watching a Netflix series titled You (7.8).

6,090 steps today.

Joke of the day
I was sitting at a bar one time, when I noticed that, next to me, an old drunk was hassling one of the biggest, toughest guys I'd ever seen.
The old guy was clearly blasted, and kept getting in the tough guy's face, saying "I slept with your mother."
Despite being huge and ripped, the tough guy just kept shrugging it off. The old guy laughed in the tough guy's face, saying it again. "Hey, I slept with your mother."
Then the old man poked him, and repeated himself, "No seriously, I slept with your mother."
At this point, finally, the tough guy had had enough. He grabbed the old man by his jacket and began to pull him out of the bar, yelling,
"That's it Dad, we're going home, you're drunk."

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