Thursday, January 9, 2020

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Last night I took half a Zopiclona with a Trazadone and went to bed at 10:45.  I got up twice during the night finally waking/getting up at 7am.  Teresa had already left for her Nueve eps blood draw.
Oh, shit.  I went to my Yahoo email account and now the friggin interface is in Spanish.

I remembered we bought the fans for when my brother visited last so it’s been a year and they should be out of warranty.  I recall Home Center saying they replaced a fuse so homefully it should be easy to fix.

I left the apt at 9:30 and walked to the gym.  I completed all my exercises in about an hour and 15 minutes.  Before my shoulder “injury” 3-4 months ago I was doing 130# on the 1st part of the Butterfly machine.  I dropped that to 115# and stopped the 2nd part completely.  Today I increased the 1st part back to 130#.  Btw, my shoulder is very slowly getting back to normal.

Teresa returned at 12:15 and handed me 150mil.  She said something about the guy who rents our parking spot isn’t paying or isn’t paying on time so she got a woman to take over the spot.  She also said she rewarded the guard 10mil for finding the new renter and something about giving me another 90 mil soon.  I think she also raised the rent from 80mil to 90mil a month.

I received an email in Spanish from some bank telling me they will cancel my account if I don’t click on their link.  Talk about phishing.

I received a text from Juan Carlos, my chess tutor, asking if I finished the Mate in 2 puzzles.  I told him I still have about two hundred to go.  I understand he’s back in town so we’re going to meet Saturday afternoon for another lesson.

I left the apt at 2pm and ran into Marcos in La Buena Mesa.  He had just come from a dentist’s appointment.  I told him I had ordered a 4k Fire Stick and it should be here in the next week or so.  I took a backward way to the copy center by Aymara and had 9 pages printed.  I arrived at Parva just before 2:30 and Juan was there waiting for me.  I got a number of my outstanding questions answered and then we had a formal lesson.  Besides learning Spanish I also learned that the average driver in Bogota spends 4 hours a day in traffic and there is a nature store a block east of the Esso gas station.  For me that’s much closer than having to go downtown Envigado.

He left at 4:30 and I stayed and completed another 16 chess puzzles.  Teresa called me and told me she’s going shopping at Mayorca.  I returned to the apt about 5:30.

Teresa called me just before 7pm and told me she is waiting for a bus.  She said she will call me when she’s downstairs and we’ll go for pizza.

I changed clothes and went downstairs to the porteria and Teresa arrived a couple minutes later in a taxi.  She was excited as she found a pair of Nikes on sale in Mayorca for about 170mil ($55).

We had our usual pizza at Antica and returned to the apt just before 9pm, on the way picking up some important papers from MT’s porteria.  Teresa wanted to know what its about and I told her that its her annual Social Security benefit statement and she got a 1.6% cost of living increase.

I asked Teresa when we are going to make oatmeal cookies again and she told me she wants to make them with artificial sugar.  I guess we’ll have to get that over with so we can go on to making some decent cookies.

8,001 steps today.

Joke of the day
A young couple got married and went away on their honeymoon.
After two weeks they came back and finally put away all of the presents they received from friends and family.
Since this was a new home, the process took some time.
A week later, they received two tickets in the mail for a popular show whose tickets were impossible to get.
They were very excited and warmed by the gesture of the person who sent this.
Inside the envelope, however, was only a small piece of paper with a single line, "Guess who sent them."
The pair had much fun trying to identify the donor but failed in the effort.
They went to the theater and had a wonderful time.
On their return home late at night, still trying to guess the identity of the unknown host, they found the house stripped of every article of value.
And on the bare table in the dining room was a piece of paper on which was written in the same hand as the enclosure with the tickets: "Now you know!"

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