Saturday, June 4, 2016

Friday, June 3rd, 2016

I woke up to the phone ringing at 7:15am.  Teresa informed me that the guy will be here to hang the curtains between 8:30 and 9am.

I got up, took my shower and the guy arrived at 8am.  He put up the vertical blinds in about 15 minutes.  He appeared to have no difficulty drilling holes in the ceiling.  The only unusual thing is he attached some plastic sleeve to the front of it which I could’t see would serve any purpose except perhaps catch falling dust.  I had Teresa have him put up the blinds I bought in Home Center in our bedroom.  The size isn’t perfect but they’re better than nothing.  I paid him 10,000 pesos and he left.

I helped Teresa make French toast for Laura and I for breakfast.

I talked to Dario and learned (with Teresa’s help) that he has a store near Estacion Hospital but he would have 2 hours each day to play chess.  Of course Teresa’s a little concerned about me going “downtown” alone but it’s not like I haven’t done it before.

Laura and I walked to Bancolombia where I waited about 30 minutes in the express line while she waited in the regular line (just in case they wouldn’t take me in the express line).  At one point they closed one of the windows and combined the line next to mine (whose meaning was unknown to me – another express line?) into mine.

Finally, I was able to pay this month’s rent using papers and a receipt I kept from my first payment.  

Laura and I stopped at Exito where she picked up a list of vegetables that Teresa had given her.  The only problem was all the avocados were hard so we didn’t buy any.  I picked up a 1.5 liter bottle of Coke, a package of butter popcorn and a bottle of liquid soap for the other bathroom.

Back at the apt Teresa asked me to stop at the agency so they could make a copy of our rental payment and then go to the other Exito to buy avocados for our lunch.  

On the way I felt a few drops of rain but nothing significant.  The lady at the agency made a copy for herself, wrote down my name and address and gave me back the original.  I walked to Exito and the muchacho there couldn’t find any soft avocados for me either so I took a different type along with a couple boxes of Kraft macaroni & cheese.

When I got back to the apt I was surprised to see that Direct TV was working.  Now I can watch the match on our TV in the comfort of our living room.  It’s actually being shown on 2 different stations - RCN (130) Estados Unidos vs Colombia and CARA (132) United States vs Colombia so I’m hoping the 2nd will be in English.

Well, I chatted with magicJack again, since I hadn’t heard anything from them in the past 9 days.
Shauna: Hi, my name is Shauna. How may I help you?
Terry Andresen: I'm still waiting on an answer to my chat from last Wednesday, May 25th.
Terry Andresen: Someone was supposed to email me with an answer.
Shauna: May I know the exact nature of your problem with full details please?
Terry Andresen: Ok, read the following.
Shauna: Yes please hold
Terry Andresen: Renon: Hi, my name is Renon. How may I help you?
Terry Andresen: My subscription is paid up until 2020 so why am I getting a renewal screen?
Renon: Please wait while I check that for you
Renon: One moment please...
Renon: Are you referring for your magicJack device?
Terry Andresen: I booted up my laptop with my magicJack PLUS in the USB port and instead of taking me to the dial/contacts screen I see a "Select a magicJack PLUS Renewal Option" screen.
Renon: Sorry to hear that.
Renon: For verification purposes may I have your physical address registered on file?
Terry Andresen: I'm in Colombia and it will take me a few minutes to find what address i may have given you. Is that really necessary?
Renon: Please disregards.
Renon: As I have checked here you purchase the renewal plan on your magicJackGO not on your magicJackPLUS.
Terry Andresen: so?
Renon: You need to renew it.
Terry Andresen: So you are saying that my 5 year contract for my magicJackGO cannot be used with my new hardware - the magicJackPLUS?
Renon: Yes correct.
Terry Andresen: That sounds more like a magicJackMINUS to me!
Terry Andresen: Can I still use my magicJackGO?
Renon: Yes because its still active.
Terry Andresen: So why would I want to buy the magicJack PLUS? Whats the advantage?
Renon: Sorry let me correct that one.
Renon: Since you purchase the renewal on your magicjackGO not on your magicJack device, for now the only device you can use your magicJackGO.
Terry Andresen: So, why would anyone want to buy a new hardware device (PLUS) when they can't use the long-term service contract they bought for previous hardware (GO). If i buy a long term contract all you have to do is come out with new hardware that invalidates that!
Renon: Sorry all our device have the same features only we upgraded some quality on it when it comes to the service it all the same.
Terry Andresen: So, let me ask a different way. Why would anyone want to buy a long term subscription when they wouldn't be able to use it if they upgraded their hardware?
Renon: Let me answer your question.
Terry Andresen: please do.
Renon: They want the long subscription because they can save than purchasing a renewal per year.
Terry Andresen: That's exactly why i did that.
Terry Andresen: So since you know now that I have a magicJack PLUS just carryover the subscription from the magicJackGO.
Renon: The renewal of each device is separated it is not possible to transfer the renewal to the other device.
Terry Andresen: Of course it is possible. It's a simple programming change. Unless, of course they don't want to!
Renon: Here's I can do for you I will make a request that you want to transfer your subscription on your other device.
Terry Andresen: of course. If not then I will have to share this magicJack disadvantage with my blog and my friends on Expat Exhange.
Terry Andresen: You have my email address in your system, right?
Renon: Yes we will contact you on your email 24-48 hours after.
Renon: For the result of your request.
Shauna: Thanks
Shauna: Please hold
Terry Andresen: You're welcome. I'm holding.
Shauna: Thanks
Shauna: Just to clarify, you want to transfer the service of the magicjack go device on the magicjack plus device, correct?
Terry Andresen: That's correct.
Shauna: I see
Shauna: As I have checked it here that your request was reported by the previous agent. The thing that I can do now is to make a follow up report regarding your concern. I will mark this as a priority to be resolve. Please give me a seconds to do this
Terry Andresen: ok
Shauna: Thanks. Please hold
Shauna: Thank you for waiting
Shauna: All done Terry and Thank you for waiting, As soon as the Upper Department will receive the request. Someone relevant from Magicjack department who handles this concern will get back to you. They will do take care of this problem . No worries, Hence and I will make this as a priority to be resolve as soon as possible. Also, I may not able to pull out information regarding the time frame since I don't have a full access on the account with regards on this issue on process regarding the time take place . But no worries, I will take note on this so that it can be prioritize
Shauna: Is there anything else I may help you with today?
Shauna: for now I'd suggest you to wait for the email update regarding the outlook of the submitted request . You will receive an email response from us after the completion process and result of this on going issues..
Terry Andresen: I'm still reading your response.
Shauna: Okay
Terry Andresen: You mentioned something about a time frame. Is that something i could help you with?
Shauna: No Terry. I do suggest that check your email from time to time for the updates
Terry Andresen: I check my email several times a day. No problem there. Thx.
Shauna: Is there anything else I may help you with today?
Shauna: You are very much welcome . It was a pleasure to have assisted you.I hope somehow I did an *Excellent Job addressing your concern today
Shauna: hope somehow I did an *Excellent Job addressing your concern today .
Terry Andresen: If my final solution is met, than I'm happy. Thx.

Laura brought home 3 empanadas for us to share.  Not sure exactly where she got them from but we liked them so much we sent her back for more.

Among new US movie releases I would like to see Time to Choose (7.1).

I made popcorn with butter and watched the match but unfortunately the US lost to Colombia 2-0 in soccer.

T-shirt of the day: Freakishly amazing.

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