Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

I woke/got up at 7am feeling pretty good probably because I only got up once during the night.

The Une bill finally came, I left the apt at 8:15, made a cash withdrawal from an ATM, added 50mil to our cell phone minutes, paid the Une bill at $efecty, and bought a few things at Exito.

Dario called to inform me he will be unavailable for Wednesday chess again until next month.

About 2pm Teresa called me to the window.  About a block away there was a house fire and we could see dark smoke billowing above the rooftops of the building across the street.  The firemen got to it pretty quick because the smoke was gone 5 minutes later.  Of course here they don’t have carpeting, draperies, and drywall that can feed the fire.

We left the apt at 2:30.  I checked Mayorca mall and the old movie theatre is closed.  I said goodbye to the ladies and went upstairs and in back (where all Colombian theatres seem to be) where I found the ticket sales on the 3rd floor and the theatres on the 4th floor.
It cost me 7,000 pesos (about $2) for a ticket and 14,600 (about $5) for a medium popcorn and large soda.

There were only about 6 other people in the theatre for Snowden.  Thanks to the RunPee app I made a trip to the restroom at the 1 hour 24 minute mark without missing anything.  The movie was good so I’m glad I saw it.  I remember from the coming attractions that there are a couple of other good movies coming in the next couple months.

I left the theatre and found a restaurant named Federal Ribs that I want to try someday.  They advertise Southern Cooking with lots of items on the wall in English.  I met the ladies downstairs at the Mimo’s (soft ice cream) store.  They took me to a housewares store where we bought 3 new comforters on sale for about $120.

We waited in line for about 10 minutes for a taxi back to the apt.
I completed 50 minutes on Chess Magnet School and then watched Bears Classic using my Slingbox.

T-shirt of the day: Keep smiling all night long.

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