Friday, January 27, 2017

Thursday, January 26, 2017

I slept well waking up at 6:30 and getting up at 7:30.  It was squealing brakes that initially woke me up.

Teresa and I left the apt at 9am and walked a block to a slightly busier street where we quickly caught a taxi.  We arrived at the Nueva eps by the stadium at 9:35 for my 10am appointment.  The waiting room was nearly full with just a few chairs remaining.  After standing in line for a couple minutes I paid my 2,900 ($1) co pay and we took a seat.  We were called to consultation room #4 at 10:20. 

The doctor, an Urologist, spoke very good English.  I gave him the results of my most recent blood test and a copy of my past Wellness and blood tests.  I questioned him about a possible lack of Vitamin B12 but he said it wasn’t a concern.  I showed him the drugs I’m currently taking.  He said another name for Tamsulosin is Flomax.  I asked him about taking Excedrin 1 or 2 times a week because it contains aspirin and he said he wasn’t concerned, as long as I’m not taking a lot of Advil because it can cause kidney problems.  He said he would give me a prescription for a better brand of Tamsulosin and I understood it would be free from Nueva eps.  It would be a 6 month supply and I should come back in a year for another blood test and consultation.  He gave me a quick rectal exam and said my prostate seems fine (although enlarged).

We left about 11am and walked over to El Viejo y El Pancake for lunch.  (They are usually closed on Wednesdays & Thursdays but they had a notice on their Facebook page that they will be closed on weekends so for the time being they will be open Monday thru Friday.)  David’s wife Alexi was there today (her first day back) and Teresa learned she’s equal parts American (father’s side) and Colombian (mother’s side) so she has dual citizenship.  As her spouse, David can stay in Colombia on a spousal visa.  Alexi soon left and came back with their 4-year old son.  He was a bit of a terror, climbing on things and repeatedly almost falling.  Alexi mentioned they don’t want to teach him to be like Colombian children – sit there and don’t make trouble.  They also want him to question things.  It was interesting to hear him seamlessly switch from Spanish to English.  Today David had hash browns so I ordered them with 2 eggs over easy and sausage.  Teresa tried their Denver omelet and liked it.  She tried my hash browns and loved them and asked for an order for herself.  Alexi cautioned that they take 25 minutes to make and we didn’t have that kind of time.
On the English side of their menu I noticed it said “how about some pancakes today?”.  I was curious what “how about?” would translate to Spanish because I often start my questions to Teresa in English with “how about”.  Like, “how about we do this?”  It turns out it translates to “que tal?”.

I paid 20,000 pesos for our lunch and we walked over to the chess league office by the stadium.  I saw that they started an under 1900 tournament last night.  I guess I’ll be waiting for the next one.
We walked over to El Diamante CC (mall).  I dropped off my chess clock at Techno Watch (local 1434) for a cleaning.  He said it would take about an hour and the charge would be 30,000 pesos (about $10.50).  Teresa stopped at a small store while I made a trip to the restroom.  Skip the rest of this paragraph if you don’t want TMI about toilet behavior. Wouldn’t you know it my stall didn’t have toilet paper or a toilet seat.  (But it did have a hook that I used for my tech bag and my fanny pack.)  Luckily I was able to quickly do my thing and I had some TP with me.  After using what I had, I felt I still needed more.  I pulled my pants up and took a quick look outside where I saw a TP dispenser.  I grabbed a yard or so of it and quickly hustled back into the stall. 

Soon I was back with Teresa.  She found some skin cream she wanted for 22mil.  I gave the woman a 50mil bill and she gave me my change. 

We sat around for a little while and then headed back to the clock repair store.  We waited about 15 more minutes for him to finish.  I checked that both sides worked and that the flag would fall on both sides.

We walked outside and at the main road quickly caught a taxi back to the apt.

I walked to Exito where I picked up 2 bags of milk, 3 tomatoes, a package of hamburgers and a package of buns and a package of microwave popcorn.  Walking past the cashiers I saw the same sign that said “we’re sorry but their aren’t any bags today”.  I observed the couple of customers ahead of me and sure enough they didn’t bag their groceries.  Since I couldn’t carry everything loose I just purchased the hamburgers, buns and tomatoes.  I questioned the cashier about this and she said it’s every Thursday.  I’ll have to remember that.

Back at the apt I dropped off my few things and then made a quick trip to the corner store for 2 bags of milk.

I decided to put my blood test results in my storage box.  I was surprised to see there was a hanging folder missing exactly where a file marked MEDICAL would go.  I asked Teresa about that and she said she didn’t have it.  She went in the back bedroom and came back with a couple plastic bags and proceeded to go through them and show me that they were all hers.  I took out a couple hard plastic storage envelopes I had and showed her a colored folder with a label that said DENTAL and another that said MISCELLANEOUS and asked here if she knew where the other one is labeled MEDICAL.  She went in the back again and this time came out with a plastic envelope that contained all my medical records including the missing blue MEDICAL folder.  I went through everything quickly throwing away things that I knew I wouldn’t need.  A few minutes later she started to go through my garbage pile and ask me about things.  I told her I already went through everything once and I wasn’t going to do it again so just throw it away.  Another day I’ll go through them again more slowly and put them in chronological order and throw out the medical orders probably keeping just the results.

We finished watching Copycat (6.6) on Netflix and then at 6pm MT came over.  I understand she gets bored alone in her apartment.
I started watching The Thin Red Line (7.6) until Teresa wanted to watch another movie so I switched to The Sentinel (6.1).  MT left at 8pm.  We stopped when Laura came home at 9:30 so Teresa could make her something to eat and I continued with my movie.

Tomorrow we leave early (supposedly) for Nueva eps to drop off my prescription and perhaps pick up my medicine.

T-shirt of the day: Best place in the world.

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