Sunday, March 20, 2022

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up at 2:45 and again at 5am. It took some time to fall back asleep but when I woke at 6:30 I remembered having a dream: I was leaving work but couldn’t find my rental car in the parking lot. Earlier that morning my car was out of oil so it was in for repair. I finally remembered the rental was yellow and found it with a comforter and pillow on top. I didn’t know where to go from there as I didn’t know who was repairing my car. Then I woke up.

I had a minor cramp while still in bed, but I worked it out quickly. (From now on, whenever I experience a cramp, I will take a small fingertip amount of Epsom salts.)

We changed my dressing; I removed the old bandage and tape and Teresa put on new ones.

I rested for a while and was hit by a strong cramp. It wouldn’t go away until I got up and put my foot flat on the floor. It seems like I’m more prone to cramping when I point my toes but it’s hard not to as when I relax, they seem to naturally seek that position.

I watched more CNN and constantly looked for more war news on my cellphone.

I finished season 1 of Taboo but I don’t see season 2 on either Netflix or MTV.

We met Esmeralda and Alejandro downstairs parked outside the porteria at 7:30. She drove us to across the street from Antica Pizza where we had patacones and drinks. Alejandro is taking 5 courses this semester: Linear Algebra, Integral Calculus, English 4, Principles of Sociology, and Principles of Economics. (Yes, his English is getting better.) He occasionally swims in the university pool but first they checked hit ability from Level 1 to 5: doggie paddle, crawl stroke, breaststroke, back stroke, and butterfly. The total check came to 78mil ($20) which Teresa thought was outrageous. We were back at the apt by 9pm and I immediately started my bedtime preparations.


The New York Times’ 7-day average of new daily infections and deaths has the US with 30,550 ð 29,650 ð 29,715 new cases and 1,224 ð 1,167 ð 1,127 new deaths.

Per Medellin Guru, as of yesterday, Colombia has a total of 744 ð 665 ð 693 newly reported cases with 25 ð 29 ð 19 newly reported deaths.


Funny pix of the day

1 comment:

  1. I am beginning to think Teresa believes everything is too expensive. UNLESS it involves all forms of maintaining her body and keeping her good looks.
