Saturday, January 8, 2022

Friday, January 7, 2022

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 3am, woke up at 6:30, did my Kegel exercises, fell back asleep finally getting up at 9am.

Instead of putting the old mattress on top of the mattress on the other bed Teresa now says she wants to put it against the wall by the doorway until she can give it away. I told her I don’t want to see it standing there for months so she better take care of it right away. She informed me I might be able to pay the muchachos 70mil and they would take it away. Seventeen dollars? Done. Laura commented about how I converted the 70mil to dollars first. I asked if we have any idea when they will arrive and she said they called and will be here in an hour.

The muchacho (yes, one) arrived and it’s questionable if he can take the old mattress. A call was made and… he left without it. Teresa called Esmeralda and I understand she will take it. I found a tag on it that said semi orthopedic with the date of Nov. 29, 2006 so I guess it’s about 15 years old – with a 5-year guarantee.

At 2pm Laura had a telephone interview to babysit a baby in Massachusetts in February. The whole family has Covid-19 but they should be okay by then.

At 2:30 I left the apt in 74 degrees and overcast skies. Could this unusually cool weather portend rain?

I had coffee and a pastel de guayaba (and one to go for Teresa and Laura).

My brother called my old MagicJack number and got connected to my voicemail. I asked him to leave a message so I know it works.

At 4pm we had another strong rainstorm that lasted about 30 minutes with a slight drizzle thereafter.

I left at 4:45 and bought milk and sugar at Exito on my way back to the apt.

My son texted me that their mother is not doing well. A couple weeks ago she went into the hospital for some more serious chemotherapy and another stem cell treatment.

The ladies left at 5:30 for some mall on Las Palmas.

I checked my email messages and I received my brother’s test email message so I’m glad that works until I can get the new number set up.

I watched Mother/Android (4.7) on Netflix. I don’t usually watch movies that don’t have a rating of at least 6.0 so obviously the trailer grabbed me and I forgot to check the rating.

The 9V Energizer battery died on my TENS 3000 unit. I put that one in October 30th so it lasted a little over 2 months.


The New York Times’ 7-day average of new daily infections and deaths has the US with 585,535 ð 610,989 ð 648,211 new cases and 1,329 ð 1,404 ð 1,499 new deaths.

Per Medellin Guru, as of yesterday, Colombia has a total of 16,259 ð 23,039 ð 26,190 new cases with 40 ð 51 ð 59 new deaths. Medellin has 2,907 ð 3,851 ð 4,843 new cases from January 6th to 7th. Envigado has 99 ð 213 ð 302 new cases from January 6th to 7th.


T-shirt of the day

Rebel scum.

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