Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Monday, April 25, 2022

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once during the night, finally getting up just before 7am.

Teresa tells me we’re out of turkey breast, so she wants us to make a trip to Pricesmart this morning.

We had a brief shower already this morning.

We left the apt at 9:45 and took a Didi to Arkadia mall. Teresa bought something in Medipiel then she checked out Decathlon. While we were there I looked for my convertible pants and they had them for the same price but they were a different brand. We had coffee in Santa Leña and shared an oatmeal cookie before walking across the street to Pricesmart. We bought 726,342 pesos ($193) of groceries. I bought another sleeve of 12 Angus beef patties and of course we bought 3 turkey breasts.

We’re planning a trip to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. Laura wants to go in July because Lenny will be in Alaska. I would rather go in September when the US kids are back in school. In either case it will be during the June-October hurricane season. Laura suggested Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, of course a 5-star hotel. And why do we need a casino? Teresa has been to DR several times with her previous husband and she said it was ugly. I told her she never stayed in a resort in Punta Cana. I’m sure Teresa would love staying in a 4-star resort there.

A few months ago I joined a group called Medellin Chess on Whatsapp. Most of the time the posts involve questions like, “I’m free at 5pm for a game in Laureles, anyone available?”

Today, a guy named Ilya posted: “In other news: Russia bans Chess.com.”

Me: “Good. I tried to get Chess.com to banish RU players.”

Ilya: “Lol, why is that? Is it because you are too stupid to distinguish a player from its criminal government?”

Someone named Amanda chimed in with “Think it says Russia is the one that banned it.”

Me: “Either way works for me.”

Ilya: “Russia banned it because they alleged some non-existent discrimination, well they just like to ban everyone now but why one would ask for all players from a certain country to be banned from playing chess is beyond me, maybe this genius here can explain his logic.”

Me: “Well, geez, Chess.com isn’t working for me today. Maybe I should talk to my Russkie friends and find out what’s going on.” “Oh, didn’t you know there is a war going on?”

Someone named Daniel chimed in with “Yes I agree, banning a Russian conglomerate makes sense but individuals trying to play sports seems overkill. Anyway I don’t think this is the place for politics.”

Ilya: “I don’t know what Terry’s chess rating it (sic) but judging by his comments it’s somewhere in 1400’s, let me tell you something amigo most Russians I know not only don’t support this war but are actually helping Ukraine with $$ and by sending first need supplies and go out on pro Ukraine rallies! So kindly take your trash elsewhere plz!”

Me: “I made 1 statement about Chess.com and YOU made an issue out of it.”

Someone named Leon wrote, “Children, Children. Let’s all play nice. Politics is never a good discussion. Let’s be better than that.”

Ilya: “You’ve made several stupid statements, including asking Chess.com for some type of ban. Now, I happen to know the owner of chess.com personally and I assure you that he give (sic) two f… about what you or anyone else is asking him. Ask yourself the following question: what have you actually done to help Ukraine or help end this conflict in any way shape or form?”

Daniel: “Can someone moderate these guys?”

Obviously, I touched a nerve with Ilya when I stated I tried to get RU players banned from Chess.com. But he’s the one who called me “stupid”, “a genius”, a “1400s rated player”, and “I’ve done nothing to support Ukraine”. Was I at fault?

Teresa went to an evening exercise class at the gym while I watched more episodes of The Sopranos.

When I saw Dr. Castano the last time before my 2nd surgery he predicted my urinary incontinence would be 100% better in a month. Then I had my 2nd surgery and now it’s worse than ever. Any stress – sneeze, cough, putting on my pants – causes leaking. At least I no longer have any pain on my right side.



Funny pix of the day

1 comment:

  1. Terry, "Algebra" was rather enjoyable and cool. "Calculus" and "Trigonometry" were very depressing. I also read "Algebra 2" and enjoyed it. When it was suggested I would like "Trig 2" and Calc 2" I told them only if they wanted a suicide on their hands. I was depressed enough just thinking about those two books.
    Jack Williams.
