Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Last night I went to bed at 9:30pm, got up once during the night, finally waking up at 5:45 and getting up at 6:15.

At 7:20 I took a Didi to Unicentro arriving 10 minutes early, so I had to wait until 8am for the guards to open the doors.

In Parmessano I had their French toast and Jose had one of their egg casseroles. We discussed my trip and the confrontation between tRump and Petro.

We adjourned to the food court and I lost both games to Jose.

It was 1:15 when we finished and I ordered a Didi to take me to Viva Envigado.

Today I decided to try a new restaurant named Pigasus. I remember seeing one years ago a block from Los Molinos mall, this one opened up about 6 months ago.

Their motto is “miracles happen” or “when pigs fly” or something like that …and this is my Pigasus burger:

It would have been better without the chicharron inside. ๐Ÿ˜Š

I stopped in Exito and bought a bag of milk and a large bottle of ketchup before returning to the apt by taxi.

The elevator was out of order (monthly routine maintenance?) so I had to walk up four flights to our apt.

I finished watching the limited TV series, The Pacific on Neflix.

Before I went to bed I set the new fan for the first time to the lowest speed with the 60ยบ rotation.



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