Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once during the night, finally waking/getting up at 6:15.
The fan worked great during the night, very quiet and just a
little breeze to help break up the heat.
Teresa had an early (7am) gym class but she made me a quick
breakfast first. She told me there’s some type of fair at Plaza Mayor that she
wants to see that’s only 3 days ending tomorrow.
I lost a game to Troyclough lowering my rating to 1556.
I left the apt at 8am for Smartfit. While I was on
the treadmill, I noticed a government PSA on TV that Colombians in estratos 1
& 2 can get a Colombian passport for free. (Not that they can afford to go
anywhere.) I was just about to start my
last machine, the Shoulder Press, when Michael on the next machine asked if it
really cost something like $50 to send a form to Canada? I assured him that was
true and recommended he go next door to Envios Market and talk to
Victoria. He also mentioned he’s looking for property between Medellin and El
Retiro with a view of the former on which to build a house, like a finca.
I finished my workout and moved to Ganso y Castor where
I had a latte and kept an eye on a tree to see if a squirrel would find the
peanut I left there. Nope! I left at 10:30 and returned to the apt.
Troyclough resigned our latest game on the 16th
move increasing my rating to 1563.
I googled Plaza Mayor but I didn’t see any events for this week
or weekend.
I texted one of my Airbnb options (Malgorzata in Rolling
Meadows) and asked what is meant by the last entry on the itemized price list
called “before taxes”?
During lunch Teresa informed me the US Embassy in Bogota is
closed. Looks like we got her US Visitor’s Visa just in time.
Well, not another word from Teresa this afternoon about
Plaza Mayor.
Teresa informed me Esmeralda may be coming over later to go
for gelato. Only problem is we just had a bowl of gelato here. Maybe we’ll go
for pizza even though we just had it a couple days ago.
Esmeralda arrived at 5:45, I ordered a Didi and we took the
elevator down with 2 families with kids. I told Teresa, “dos mas minutos” (for
our car to arrive) then I said, “two more minutes” and turned to a young girl
and said, “entiendes?” and she nodded yes and the others in the elevator were proud
if not astounded. I mentioned to Teresa that they are learning English in
school. A young boy said, in English, that he’s going to go to school in Canada
to learn English.
We met Esmeralda and took a Didi to Antica Pizza, Gloria
was there, and we had a slice of pizza with drinks. We left at 7:15, stopped at
the bakery down the street and bought a couple of pastries for our security
guards. We quickly caught a taxi and at one point we were stopped at a red
light and there was a golden lab sitting in the back seat of the car next to
us. Our driver whistled and the dog turned his head towards us and I motioned
like I was patting his head. Our driver informed us that he has six dogs and
showed us a video where we could see 3 of them go up long stairs and then down
a concrete slide. 😊
We returned to our complex and gifted the pastries to our guards.
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