Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Monday, December 21, 2020

Last night I went to bed at 10:30, fell asleep quickly, got up once at 2am, finally waking at 6am and getting up at 6:30.

I texted Jose and we agreed to meet for chess tomorrow.

After breakfast, my eyes still felt tired so at 8:15 I set my new app – One Touch Power Nap – to 45-minutes and went for a nap. It took a while to fall asleep but it woke me up at 9am. I checked my cellphone and saw I had just missed a text from Marcos. He texted me at 8:15 and since he didn’t hear from me he was leaving for his walk. I left at 9:15 and walked the back streets then La Buena Mesa returning at 10:15.

Medellin is reinstating curfews and pico y cedula for part of the holiday season. Not sure yet what that means for Envigado. I’ve also been hearing rumors of another quarantine in the new year.


Teresa beat me in parcheesi today 3 games to 2. To demonstrate how much luck is involved, I had my final piece 1 square away from a win. (All I needed to do was roll a 1.) Several turns later, Teresa rolled an 11 which gave her 2 pieces 1 move away and 2 pieces 2 moves away. (On 11 and doubles you get to roll again.) She then rolled 2-2 and I thought “that was quick”. She then rolled 1-1 to win the game. Sheesh!

On the news I understood the pico y cedula is for all of Antioquia so no chess tomorrow. (Since my cedula number ends in an odd number I can only "shop" on the odd days.) I called Jose to be sure he knew we wouldn’t be playing chess tomorrow but I just got voice mail. I left a message asking him to call me but he never called back.


The US has 17,679,050 ð 17,876,395 ð 17,986,703 coronavirus cases with 316,200+ ð 317,700+ ð 318,700+ deaths.

Per Medellin Guru, as of this afternoon Colombia has a total of 1,496,062 ð 1,507,222 ð 1,518,067 cases with 40,268 ð 40,475  ð 40,680 deaths. Medellin has 135,020 ð 136,997  ð 138,102 cases, an increase of 1,106 from December 20th to 21st.  Envigado has a total of 11,779 cases, an increase of 111 from December 20th to 21st.


Joke of the day

A middle-aged lady went into a bar in Dallas, TX and saw a cowboy with his feet propped upon a table. He had the biggest boots she'd ever seen.

The woman asked the man if it's true what they say about men with big feet being well endowed. The man grinned and said, 'Sure is, little lady. Why don't you come to my apartment and let me prove it to you?'

The old woman considered she might never get an offer like this again and was curious to find out for herself, so she spent the night with him.

The next morning, she handed him a $100 bill.

Blushing, he said, 'Well, thank you, I'm really flattered. Nobody has ever paid me for my 'services' before!'

'Don't be flattered' she replied...

'Take the money and buy yourself some boots that fit...'

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