Sunday, December 27, 2020

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Last night I went to bed at 11pm, fell asleep quickly, got up twice during the night, finally waking/getting up at 7am.

Teresa gave me a bag of rice and asked me to give it to the birds in Parque San Marcos. I left the apt at 8:55 and first walked directly to the green park. I saw a few pigeons at the other end of the park so I walked closer to their position. I took out a handful of rice and threw it on the ground in front of me and I was immediately inundated with pigeons. They had no fear of me as I poured out the remainder of the rice. I walked back to Avenida Poblado by the gas station where I thought I heard chainsaws. I walked some of the back streets and when I approached Avenida Poblado I could see that workers were taking down some trees. I completed my walk returning to the apt by 9:55.

I watched another couple episodes of The Lost Kingdom (7.6).

Teresa returned just before 12:30. She forgot to defrost something before she left this morning so we ordered fried chicken from Frisby again.

It started raining about 3:15 but it didn’t last very long.

Today I beat Teresa in parcheesi 7 games to 2.

About 5pm I loaded Braven (6.0) to watch on our Firestick but it froze. I went to restart it when I discovered we lost all our power. It didn’t come back on until just after 6:30.

I watched the last 5 minutes as the San Francisco 49ers beat the Arizona Cardinals 20-12.  With the Arizona loss the Chicago Bears now control their own destiny to the playoffs. But that means they not only have to beat the Jacksonville Jaguars tomorrow, they also have to beat the Green Bay Packers the following Sunday.

At 7:20 we lost power again but it came back on a couple minutes later.

We watched another season 4 episode of Fargo.


The US has 18,606,087 ð 18,780,292 ð 18,885,136 coronavirus cases with 327,900+ ð 330,000+ ð 330,800+ deaths.

Per Medellin Guru, as of this afternoon Colombia has a total of 1,559,766 ð 1,574,707 ð 1,584,903 cases with 41,454 ð 41,690 ð 41,943 deaths. Medellin has 141,151 ð  142,160 ð 143,224 cases, an increase of 1,064 from December 25th to 26th. Envigado has a total of 12,489 cases, an increase of 140 from December 25th to 26th.


Joke of the day

A man walked into a bar. He sat down and asked the bartender "If I impress you, can I have a free drink?" The bartender said sure, so the man reached in his pocket and pulled out a tiny piano. He then pulled out a small rat and set it by the piano. It crawled on to the bench and began playing music.

The bartender was amazed, so he gave the man a beer. Next, the man said, "If I impress you even more, can I have free drinks for life?" The bartender didn't think it was possible, so he agreed. The man pulled a frog out of his pocket, and it began to sing by the piano. 

The bartender smiled and told the man that he was impressed. A man in a suit with a cane walked into the bar, saw the small animals, and offered to buy them for $2 million. The owner said no, but he offered to sell the frog for $500k. The rich man agreed, took the frog and left. The bartender couldn't believe the owner just did that and said "Why did you just sell the frog?! There is no singer now!"

The owner laughed and said, "Don't worry, the rat is a ventriloquist."

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