Friday, March 6, 2020

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Last night I went to bed at 10:30, woke up with a slight leg cramp, was awakened briefly around 6 am by a persistent car alarm, finally waking/getting up at 7:30.

I watched the first 20 minutes of the Today show, changed into shorts and walked to the mall.  I bought some special face SPF cream for Teresa at Medipiel and bought 2 bags of granola in Exito.

In Todo Fresa I had a café con leche while solving a few more chess puzzles.

At 12:15 I packed up and returned to the apt.

At 3:15 I walked to Otra Parte and Juan arrived at 3:35.  After spending some time searching through my files we came to the conclusion that somehow I lost my chess games for my chess tournaments and against Jose.  I have them all on paper but it still means it will take some time reentering them.

Someone called and Teresa informed me they may have found an apt for Luz Maria near our previous apt.  They will take a look at it tomorrow.

We left the apt just before 9pm and walked to the mall.  I bought 2 upper level tickets to The Gentlemen (8.1) starting at 9:10 for 11,500 pesos each.  I bought a bottle of water for Teresa, a small soda for me, and a small popcorn to share.  For my soda I just filled it with ice and an usher assisted us in finding our seats in the dark.  I smuggled in my first bottle of root beer and I poured it over the ice.

The movie was very good with lots of action although the plot was a little difficult to follow.

We got out by 11pm and we took a taxi back to the apt for the minimum fare.

9,967 steps today.

Joke of the day

A girl is said to be grown up when she starts wearing a bra.

A boy is grown up when he starts removing it.


  1. Terry, from your posts it seems you are sleeping better, I hope that is the case. you have not mentioned your back for a few days. Has it improved for you?

  2. Yes, with the sleeping pill I sleep better but still up once or twice during the night to pee. But, thankfully, I usually fall back asleep quickly when I return to bed.

    My back is still stiff (sore & week) for the first 90-120 minutes afer i get up.
