Saturday, March 8, 2025

Friday, March 7, 2025

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 12:15, finally waking/getting up at 5:30am.

Teresa informed me there will be a mass for Esmeralda’s mother today at 6pm, she just doesn’t know where yet.

I left the apt at 8am for my workout in Smartfit. I asked Daniel to help me with the Fitness Test while I was on the treadmill. He set something and I walked at 4km/hour for 2 minutes followed by 30 seconds of running. (The running was a bit challenging.) When it finished the display said, “etapa 1” which means “stage 1”. I continued with another 8 minutes at my usual 6km/hr. While I was leaving, I asked Daniel to set me up with “etapa 2” next week.

I had a latte in Ganso y Castor for an hour before returning to the apt.

Teresa informed me the mass will be at 5pm.

I chatted with a Hewlett Packard rep and found a nice laptop

HP Pavilion Laptop 16t-af000, 16" - Product #: 9Z465AV_1

for $760 (taxes included, on sale) but I’m going to wait a bit for comparison and Memorial Day sales as that price sounds a bit high.

After lunch I had a one-hour nap.

I noticed this is in my Acer manual so I downloaded Bluelight Shield and set it to Low Reduction which “reduces blue light emission from the LED backlit screen by 10% to 25% for basic protection”. Maybe that will allow me to sleep better at night those few times I use the computer late in the evenings.

Update: Esmeralda is in Envigado so she’ll pick us up then MT and we’ll go to mass and after go for coffee.

My finger is so bad I almost can’t press the ‘a’ button not to mention the left-hand side shift key.

Update to the Update: Esmeralda and Claudia will go separately and Teresa, MT and I will go in another car. After mass we will meet somewhere on Avenida 70 for coffee and I’ll be paying for their rides (not sure how many rides).

I put on a short sleeve shirt but Teresa asked me to put on a long sleeve shirt. I only complied because it’s at night and she said I won’t have to bring a jacket. Then she said my hiking pants don’t look right and she wanted me to wear jeans. I don’t think my size 34 jeans fit me anymore and they are too warm for Medellin. She took out my navy-blue pants and I put them on. My orange and blue gym shoes didn’t look right so I changed into my old blue gym shoes. I put my hands in the pockets to straighten the pants and I felt a piece of paper. I pulled it out and it was a $100 bill. 😊 Okay, I remember losing $100 but I didn’t remember when and where. I checked my blog notes from last year and then I remembered. Christmas Eve in Punta Cana I stopped at the front desk and asked if they had change for $100 and the girl said, “maybe later”. Later I couldn’t find the $100 bill and I thought it was gone forever.

We left at 5:15 by Didi, picked up MT and continued on to Parroquia Jesus de la Buena Esperanza (Carrera 69C #32-41) in heavy traffic.

We arrived 5 minutes late and mass was already in progress. It ended 45 minutes later and about a dozen of us moved a block away to a bakery named Farolitos. The others seemed surprised when I ordered a pastel de arequipe while everyone else shared empanadas. I was hungry and I didn’t know Emeralda was paying for everyone. We all had tea or coffee and thy all chatted with each other. We left by Didi at 7:45, dropped MT with Claudia at MT’s apt and continued on to ours.

I can’t continue typing like this; I need to see a Rheumatologist. My appointment with Dr. Castano isn’t until May 20th, I don’t know if I can wait that long for a referral.

I texted Dr. Rendon, our Endodontist, and asked him for a reference. He said he had a friend in college who is a Rheumatologist and I should call Monday for the contact information. 😊




  1. Well done on keeping that secret

  2. When is the baby due? hopefully no later than during/before your very well planned visit!!!! I am such a frugal/stingy/tightwad that I remembered when you lost the $100 bill. It slightly traumatized me!!
    Jack W
