Last night I went to bed at 10pm, finally waking at 5:30 and getting up at 6am.
This month I remembered to backup my hard drive.
I left the apt at 8:30 and listened to Margaritaville three
times on my walk to Sao Paulo Plaza. (I almost have the lyrics memorized.)
Glenn soon arrived with Bianca. As usual we shared what we’ve been up to and
tips for living in Medellin.
Mrpattata03 finally resigned our game increasing my rating
to 1552.
Teresa called and informed me that San Peregrino isn’t
having their special mass today so she wants to go out for lunch. I suggested El
Correo but not until about 2pm and she agreed.
I had 2 lattes and calentao with scrambled eggs. When the
check arrived I was surprised they already had the change for my 100mil bill. 😊 Well, that’s efficient.
At 10:45 Glenn left and I made a trip to the restroom. The
last stall had a hook for my bag but it’s now only held by one screw so I stuck
a plastic hook to the door; we’ll see if it’s still there next time I visit.
I walked back to the apt.
1:45pm and Teresa changed her mind again and asked me to
order from Chiclayo. I used previous Whatsapp messages to place an order
but they have a new delivery company that only wants money transfers and I want
to pay in cash as usual. It took a while but they finally allowed me to pay in
Michael Sito had given me a hard drive loaded with movies
and series and tonight I watched the documentary Bobby Fischer Against the
We had a little rain in the evening but it didn’t last long.
Teresa told me that after their spat the other night, Laura
moved into a hotel. Fine with me.
We had more rain in the evening but it had stopped by the
time I went to bed at 10pm.
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