Friday, February 28, 2025

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 12:15am, finally waking/getting up at 5:45.

Google Flights, MDE ß> ORD is down to a base price of $1335. Still following.

They still haven’t locked me out of the ChessMood courses. 😊

Ooh, Se7en (8.6) is playing at 3:20 in Cine Colombia’s iMax. I want to see that and also Conclave (7.4).

At 9am I changed my clothes and ordered a Didi. I was surprised my Didi was a taxi, I don’t remember the last time that happened.

I arrived at Dr. Rios (Carrera 43 #29-35, Clinica Opthamology, office 703) 10 minutes before my 9:45am ear appointment.

Another man was ahead of me so I paid the 170mil fee ahead of time. (The receptionist had to go get change for my 200mil, leaving her desk drawer unlocked that later I noticed contained some cash.)

I told the doctor my hearing history and he had me lie down on the table and inserted an instrument into my right ear. I kept expecting him to touch something sensitive but it never happened. He pulled out a piece of wax about the size of a square millimeter. I don’t think he found anything in my left ear. He told me my ears were pretty clean, amazing as I don’t recall ever getting them cleaned professionally before. I don’t think I’ll need them cleaned again for another 79 years.

I ordered a Didi to take me to El Tesoro mall.

I went to Santa Leña

and ordered a latte and a crookie I saw in their display case. When they brought the crookie

I realized what I thought was 2 crookies on top of each other turned out to be one big crookie but I managed to finish it with my latte with no problem. I took out my Kindle and continued reading my book.

I finished reading Lee Child’s Nothing to Lose (Jack Reacher #12) on my Kindle.

Teresa called me at 3pm and told me they were close. Close to Laura finishing? Close to leaving the dentist? Close to arriving at the mall? She asked me to meet them at J&C Delicias. I asked the upstairs or downstairs area but we had a bad connection and got disconnected.

I paid my bill, made a trip to the restroom and checked out the downstairs location. They weren’t there so I headed upstairs and found Teresa with Laura seated in a booth. They had already ordered so I just ordered my usual Penne Carmela. After about half an hour of waiting the waiter came over and I understood they had some kind of a system problem so the orders only now reached the kitchen. We finally left at 4:30 which means we’ll be hitting rush hour traffic.

We were heading toward the taxi area when Teresa chastised me for yelling her name in public. She usually walks 6-10 feet in front of me and often heads off in the wrong direction so I’m just calling her name loud enough for her to hear.

It was only a short wait for a taxi but the driver didn’t seem to know the right way even though he had GPS. It probably didn’t help that Teresa only said, “Envigado” and “La Frontera” and I didn’t feel like correcting her. It seemed we got to 7mil on the meter awful fast but it’s my fault for not checking the meter was set to 4,900 when we got in. When the driver reached La Frontera and started heading down the hill from Ave Poblado and I saw his GPS leading him the wrong way I spoke up and asked him to enter “Urbanizion Palo de Rosa” into his GPS. He turned around and went back up to Ave Poblado and then it was a direct route back to our complex. It cost 25,400 pesos when usually it’s 17-18mil.

Laura and Vicky got massages from Kelly.

I downloaded and tried reading The Orphan Master’s Son but couldn’t get into it.

Laura then Vicky dressed up and headed out around 9pm.



1 comment:

  1. mate). In South America do the women walk in front of their man, hoping another man will try to pick her up, thereby checking her man's machismo rating?? Or is Theresa just wanting to be ahead of you so if she sees something she wants to look at she can?? Or what?? (- :
    Jack W
