Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 4am, finally waking/getting up by alarm at 6:30am.

Wow, finally a day that isn’t overcast.

At 7:25 I started the process of ordering a Didi. My car arrived 8 minutes later and I arrived at Unicentro mall just a minute before they opened at 8am.

For a change today, in Parmessano I ordered ala carte scrambled eggs with Italian sausage but those sausages turned out to be pretty small. I showed Jose an evaluation discrepancy in a game analysis and he was just as surprised as I was.

I had the Black pieces in the first game and Jose blundered a Bishop on the 32nd move and immediately resigned. That’s good because it isn’t quite 11am yet.

In the second game I blundered a piece early but held on until the 42nd move before resigning.

It was only 1:30 when I took a Didi to Viva Envigado. I had the granola with yogurt in Pergamino then went downstairs and had a latte in Urbania.

I withdrew 2,000,000 pesos from a Davivienda ATM hoping for small bills but they were all 100s.

I left at 3:30 and returned to the apt by taxi.

About 4pm Teresa got a call from her mother who wanted to get out of the apt but I had already changed into my “home clothes” and didn’t feel like going out again.

I watched Trial by Fire (7.1) on Netflix.

I was recharging my phone when Teresa called me several times but I couldn’t answer. At 8pm when I realized what had happened, I called her and she was still with her mother in IKEA. She offered to bring me some food but I declined as I had already had an apple with peanut butter.

Teresa returned at 9pm. Tomorrow she wants to go to the Auna clinic in Arkadia mall to make a doctor’s appointment (hard to get them on the phone). I told her I want to look for another pair of my Quechua Modular Hiking Pants in Decathlon (online they are out of stock in my size). I also checked Pricesmart and it appears they have our Butterball chicken breast so we’ll probably cross the street and buy a few. And we should buy more eggs because with Laura and Vicky arriving tomorrow, I’m sure we’ll be eating more of them.

I finished reading Lee Child’s Bad Luck and Trouble (Jack Reacher #11) on my Kindle.



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