Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Self-isolation Day 49.

Last night I went to bed at 10:30, fell asleep quickly, got up once during the night, woke up at 5:45 when Teresa got up and I got up at 6:30.

A lawyer for CNN's parent company WarnerMedia has written a cease-and-desist letter to President Trump's re-election campaign over the misleading contents of a new campaign ad.

Public spaces were filled with visitors over the weekend as some states began loosening lockdown measures and experts now warn the premature reopening could drive up the country's coronavirus death toll -- by nearly double, according to one prediction.

Trump signed legislation that makes COVID-19 testing free. His admin is also telling hospitals 'don't worry' – it'll foot the bill for uninsured Americans suffering from the virus. But he's against abolishing private insurance and setting up a government-run plan like Medicare for All.

Per the Today show the US has 1,189,677 coronavirus cases with 69,149 deaths.

President Bush (last weekend): “I have no doubt, none at all, that this spirit of service and sacrifice is alive and well in America.” He emphasized that “empathy and simple kindness are essential, powerful tools of national recovery.” And America’s 43rd president asked us to “remember how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat.”

“In the final analysis,” he said, “we are not partisan combatants; we are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of God.” Bush concluded, “We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise.”

Trump’s Twitter response: “[Bush] was nowhere to be found in speaking up against the greatest Hoax in American history!”

CNBC: Researchers at the Los Alamos National Laboratory report that the coronavirus has mutated and now appears to be even more contagious.

One of the most cited forecasting models for the COVID-19 death toll, compiled and issued by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington, was recently revised upward from around 72,000 American deaths to 135,000. A professor working on the model cited several reasons for this, including the "premature relaxation of social distancing."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reportedly revised the projected daily death toll in the U.S. from 1,750  to 3,000.

Teresa returned from her doctor’s appointment just before 11am.  Everything is okay but she has to have some other tests.

Dr. Anthon Fauci: "If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats and what's out there now, [the scientific evidence] is very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated ... Everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that [this virus] evolved in nature and then jumped species."

A hospital in France discovered a coronavirus case from late December, possibly the country’s ‘patient zero’.

Dr. Rick Bright, former director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, alleged that the Trump administration failed to prepare for the onslaught of the coronavirus, then sought a quick fix by trying to rush an unproven drug to patients.

A Family Dollar store security guard was shot and killed in Flint, Michigan on Friday after telling a customer her child had to wear a face mask to enter the store.

Well, tonight President Duque increased Colombia’s quarantine for 2 more weeks to May 25thPer Medellin Guru, as of this afternoon Colombia has a total of 8,613 cases with 378 deaths.  

The US has 1,207,508 coronavirus cases with 70,903 deaths.

Joke of the day

“Hello 911?”  “I think I’ve swallowed three Scrabble tiles.  Just an FYI.”


  1. Bush's remarks were that of a caring, compassionate man speaking in a healing, non-partisan manner. Trump as usual was the extreme opposite. He is a vindictive, small minded, petty, self-absorbed man. He cares more about $$$ than people.
