Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Monday, May 4, 2020

Self-isolation Day 48.

Last night I went to bed at 10:45. Teresa had napped several times during the afternoon so she stayed up awhile longer. I fell asleep quickly, got up twice during the night, woke up about 6:30 and got up at 7:15.

I watched Chapter 9 – Pawn storms are dangerous in closed positions of IM Mat Kolosowski’s Attacking Masterclass video training.

On the noontime news they showed a machine in Soacha, Colombia that checks your temperature as you enter the bus station.

Canada was ahead of the North American curve on testing because its federal government once again made the right choices. In mid-March, Canadian federal authorities launched a large-scale testing procurement program aimed at ensuring the country could test early and often. By contrast, Trump put his unqualified son-in-law, Jared Kushner, in charge of the country’s testing ramp-up who proceeded to hype a Google testing website that didn’t exist and spearhead a drive-through push that, as of early April, had built a grand total of five testing centers across the entire country.

LONDON— World leaders came together in a virtual summit today to pledge billions of dollars to quickly develop vaccines and drugs to fight the coronavirus. Missing from the roster was the Trump administration, which declined to participate.

Teresa talked to her doctor who then changed her appointment from 4pm tomorrow to 9:30am.

Teresa keeps beating me in parcheesi; now she’s ahead 20 to 13.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin argued on Monday that people should go out and “explore America” during the pandemic.

Today the World Health Organization said that Washington had provided no evidence to support "speculative" claims by the US president that the new coronavirus originated in a Chinese lab. 

Per the NY Times, the US has 1,185,200+ cases with 68,672 deaths.

Per Medellin Guru, as of this afternoon Colombia has a total of 7,973 cases with 358 deaths.  Medellin has 288 cases, 3 more than yesterday.  Now if Medellin were to start contact tracing they might be able to confidentally reopen soon.

On May 4, 2020, Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS) reported that it had completed a total of 123,029 COVID-19 tests in Colombia.  This means that Colombia has completed 2,424 COVID-19 tests per million people in Colombia based on a population of 50.8 million.

Joke of the day

Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it can provide more comfortable despair.

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