Saturday, June 13, 2020

Friday, June 12, 2020

Self-isolation Day 87.

Last night I went to bed at 10:30, got up three times during the night, finally waking at 5:30 and getting up at 6am. In other words, a typical night.

It rained throughout most of the night and now at 9am it’s barely 66 degrees.

Teresa again brought up her desire to buy the refrigerator on sale and keep it near the doorway to the apt, still boxed, until we move to our new apt in a few months.

Last night I played 4 games on, winning 1, losing 1 with 2 draws. My new rating is 1327, down 2 points.

Last night I asked Teresa if we could leave to go to Exito to buy the refrigerator at 9:30. Now she wants to wait until this afternoon so we’ll see.

The doorman brought us our new epm utility bill.

We left the apt at 10:45 to go to the mall to buy the refrigerator. I made the mistake of first asking Teresa to see (the outside) an apartment for rent right around the corner. From there she noticed other apartments and we made out way down the block. She found one I guess she was most interested in because she called someone and made an appointment for us to see the apt. at 3pm.

It was now only 11:15 but she suggested we have lunch and then go to the mall.

About 1pm the skies had cleared nicely as we walked to the mall. I made a cash withdrawal at the ATM then we entered Exito proper. Teresa talked to a young lady about our refrigerator and almost immediately we were led to another aisle to look at another one. The new one was a Samsung, was 40 liters smaller in space but was 300mil less expensive. After Teresa talked to the sales lady for a while we finally bought it. I understand its to be delivered next Tuesday.

We stopped at Auros where we had a copy made of the receipt. Now I understand why they always do that; the ink on original receipts is so poor that it soon fades.

We walked across the street to the Gana store where I paid for our epm bill and Teresa sent some cash to a friend.

Teresa wanted to stop at her mother’s apt but I reminded her of our 3pm apt.

A young man from the real estate agency was waiting for us and he took us inside and up to the 7th floor of the 14-floor building. The kitchen was even smaller than our current one so that wouldn’t do.

It was only 3:15 so Teresa suggested we go to Pricesmart. We took a taxi there for 12mil.

They didn’t have turkey breast this time but we found quite a few other things. There was a long checkout line and while I waited Teresa picked up a chicken salad and a dozen chicken wings for us to share for lunch back at the apt.

Traffic was heavy, kind of like the old days pre-virus, on the way back to the apt for 13mil.

We were both starving so we shared the salad and had a couple chicken wings each.


In a stunning move, the Trump administration is signaling that it won’t disclose the recipients of more than $500 billion in bailout money delivered to 4.5 million businesses through the PPP. Mnuchin says it’s “proprietary” and “confidential” information. The GAO told POLITICO that the Small Business Administration is also withholding PPP loan data the agency requested as part of its oversight efforts.

“Proprietary information”? Does Mnuchin think that the 500-bil is some sort of widget that the Treasury Department invented? In one sense, of course, the money is “proprietary information” and we’re the damn proprietors. It’s our damn money. And it went to 4.5 million businesses, and we’re not entitled to know who they are? 


Teresa thought she was going to watch the last episode of her telenova but I understand its continued until at least next Monday.

I was so tired I skipped playing chess tonight and went to bed at 9:30.

A Trump replay from March 13th: Trump starts delivering his own daily coronavirus briefings.  He declares the outbreak a national emergency but says “I don’t take responsibility at all” when asked whether he takes responsibility for the lag in making test kits available.

The US has 2,007,773  ð 2,031,494 ð 2,055,706 coronavirus cases with 112,918 ð 113,865  ð  114,662 deaths.

Per Medellin Guru, as of this afternoon Colombia has a total of 43,682 ð 45,212 ð 46,858 cases with 1,545 deaths.  Medellin has 737 ð 759 ð 787 cases, an increase of 25 from to June 11th to June 12th.


Joke of the day

The other day I got carded at the liquor store.  While I was taking out my ID, my old Blockbuster Video card fell out.  The clerk shook his head, said “Never mind,” and rang me up.

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