Monday, June 15, 2020

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Self-isolation Day 89.

Last night I went to bed at 10:30 and fell asleep quickly. I was awakened by Teresa’s snoring softly at 2:15. After trying my usual moving around a bit and that didn’t work I poked her lightly and she stopped but the damage was already done as I was wide awake. About 4am I heard 2 young men outside Exito laughing about something. I got up at 5am and read some news on my laptop and returned to bed at 5:30. I finally fell asleep and woke/got up at 8am.

For some strange reason I couldn’t locate my house keys. I always put them on the night stand but they weren’t there. Sometimes I leave them in my jeans but they weren’t there either. I left the apt at 9:45 and walked to the mall where I found Glenn waiting for me. We found one of the round “seats” in the shade so we took turns going to the nearby Juan Valdez for coffee and a snack. It didn’t take long before a security guard came over and informed us that we couldn’t eat there. We went around the corner and out of sight and took seats on a cement bench in the sun.

After 30 minutes of accumulating vitamin D we had finished our drinks and snacks so we adjourned to a bench inside Exito. Just before it was time for me to leave he mentioned he didn’t know how “consignaciones” works so we walked down to the Bancolombia ATMs. I pointed out the machine similar to, but different from, an ATM. We waited about 5 minutes for a young lady to finish up her transaction. I mentioned to Glenn that she had finished one but was starting another. I think she heard me because she soon turned around and informed us in English that she had more transactions but she would allow us to go first. (Colombians here are usually very kind.)

I showed Glenn the basic steps transferring cash into a Bancolombia account then we said goodbye until next Sunday when we will meet again, next time with James.

I stopped at my usual ATM but it seemed to be acting strangely. I soon noted that someone had left their debit card in the machine. I put the card on top and then completed my transaction. I took the card to the nearby customer service center and gave it to a lady there explaining that I found it in the machine.

In Exito I purchased a large package of eggs and 3 bags of milk and took a taxi back to the apt returning at noon.

I explained to Teresa about our not being able to eat food at the seats outside the mall so she cancelled her afternoon plans with her friends.

Back at the apt I checked my jeans again and I found my keys in a fold of my front pocket. Whew!

I had a 2-hour chess lesson with Juan Castro.

I played 7 games on, winning 4 and losing 3.


Joke of the day

"This you call a smile, after all the money your father and I spent on braces?"

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