Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Monday, June 15, 2020

Self-isolation Day 90.

Last night I went to bed at 10:30, fell asleep quickly, got up a couple times during the night, finally waking/getting up at 8am.

Today is a holiday, Corpus Christi. According to Medellin Guru Corpus Christi is a Christian observance that honors the Holy Eucharist; essentially the belief that the real body of Jesus Christ is in the wine and bread given during communion.

Even though my back was bothering me more than usual I left the apt just before 9am. I was really walking slowly and it hadn’t loosed up much by the time I returned at 9:30. I attribute that to so little time between getting up and leaving the apt. Usually I’m up earlier than 8am.

Teresa confirmed that Exito is bringing the refrigerator tomorrow.

Today I beat Teresa in parcheesi 5 games to 3.

We had rain on and off all day. Teresa is eager to start work on the finca wall but because the temp is expected to be around 80 for the next week or more I’m guessing we’ll be having a lot of rain. I understand if it rains it will be difficult for a truck to get up the road to the finca.


The FDA withdrew its emergency use authorization issued in March for hydroxychloroquine as a coronavirus treatment. The antimalarial drug – promoted by President Trump – has been controversial among health experts, who've pointed out there's little evidence it helps prevent COVID-19. Now, the FDA's saying that clinical trials show the drug is "unlikely to produce an antiviral effect" against the coronavirus. And that its potential benefits "no longer outweigh" potential risks.


On the evening news it appears Bogota is affected so badly by the coronavirus that they are adding additional restrictions. They also predicted Colombia will have 41,162 deaths by December.


An email from the US embassy reported protests in their area of Bogota. Also, this Bogota COVID-19 Quarantine Update:  According to the Bogota Mayor's office, as of June 15 there are 16,036 cases of COVID-19 in Bogota. Intensive Care Unit (ICU) beds in the city have reportedly exceeded 50 percent occupancy. The mayor’s office has placed four new neighborhoods in Suba, Ciudad Bolívar, Engativa and Bosa under Orange Alert. As of Tuesday, June 16, new measures to control the spread of the virus, including pico y cedula, will be implemented across the city. 


President Donald Trump has long had two cherished American institutions standing beside him as he railed against athletes taking a knee during the national anthem: NASCAR and the NFL.


Texas sets a new record for coronavirus hospitalizations as businesses continue to reopen.


Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, told "Fox News Sunday" that attendants of President Trump's upcoming campaign rally on June 20 may face potential exposure to the coronavirus.

According to the Global Health 50/50 research initiative, nearly every country is now reporting significantly higher Covid-19-related mortality rates in males than in females as of June 4. Yet, current data suggest similar infection rates for men and women. In other words, while men and women are being infected with Covid-19 at similar rates, a significantly higher proportion of men succumb to the disease than women, across groups of similar age. 


I finished season 9 of The Walking Dead and I started watching the series Colony.


A Trump replay from March 16th: Trump announces his support for a 15-day period of social distancing in order to slow the spread of coronavirus.  “Who knew?”


I forgot to record the virus statistics last night so keep in mind the latest will be over a 2-day period.

The US has 2,055,706 ð 2,082,921 ð 2,117,268 coronavirus cases with 114,662 ð 115,382 ð 116,079 deaths.

Per Medellin Guru, as of this afternoon Colombia has a total of 46,858 ð 48,746  ð 53,063 cases with 1,726 deaths.  Medellin has 787 ð 820 ð 854 cases, an increase of 34 from June 13th to 14th. Colombia’s rolling 6-day average of new cases is increasing now even faster than before. Medellin is level and most of the increasing cases are in 14 cities including Bogota.


Joke of the day

"I don't care what you've discovered, you still should have written.

1 comment:

  1. The Corpus Christi holiday is a Roman Catholic observance with plenty of "Christian" denominations not believing "that the real body of Jesus Christ is in the wine and bread given during communion."
