Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday, April 21st, 2014

Last night I wasn’t able to figure out how to get the text file from my laptop into Simple Flash Card Maker on my iPad.  I did figure out how to get it into something called Quizlet in iTunes so I can use the Flash Cards on my laptop.

I went to bed at 10:30, got up once at 4:45, and finally woke/got up at 7:15 which is a pretty good night’s sleep for me.

I got the idea to email the text file to myself so it would be on my iPad.  I’ll have to think about what to do with it next.

I had my usual breakfast at El Comedor de Chava.  I always ask for my beans and eggs to be “very hot” and today I finally got it so I complemented the manager afterwards.  I bought a package of dental floss in Exito and stopped for an orange juice across the street.  I was at Jhon’s office a few minutes early and he was sitting outside because his student wasn’t feeling well and had just left.

He suggested we go down to the corner store and have a drink while we practiced the Spanish verbs.  We only went through about 10 of them as he also introduced me to the past and future tense for a few of them.  He told me sentences in Spanish and I had to translate them into English.  I think he’s in love with Jessica, the young white skinned sister that works there.  Lol; get in line fella, there are lost of other guys that probably feel the same way.

Afterwards I dropped off a few things in my apartment and cutting through Viva CC I saw Paula at El Butón (I think that’s her name, hmm, maybe I should ask her) and I gave her a couple pieces of candy. She is cute!

I spent a little time at LM copying my small notebook into the large one; almost done with that.  Harry was there and he invited me to see his new “office” about 5 blocks away.  For lunch I had the Solomito de Parilla (grilled chicken with French fries) and a mango juice at Yummy for 13mil.  

After lunch I stopped at his building and he showed me his “office” on the 2nd floor.  It’s actually an apartment that his wife’s sister is trying to sell for about $150,000.  I think he just wanted me to help him with a few problems he’s having using his computer.  (His computer teacher is sick.)  I was successful at explaining a few things to him but at one point somehow in trying to scroll down in Youtube I ended up flipping the screen upside down.  I thought the last keystrokes I did was just something like Space+down arrow.  It took a few minutes to get it flipped back again.  Later Harry confided that last week he did the same thing and it took him a while to get it corrected.

I stopped at LM on my way back and sat down for a minute with Augusto.  He was working on some type of contract for the pretty lady that works at one of the restaurants.  I gave him my address and I think he’s coming over Wednesday to play chess on my new table.  

I stopped in Viva CC and had a small strawberry shake from Alexandra.  I ordered in English this time and she didn’t have any trouble except she said she doesn’t know numbers in English.  I told her that’s one of the first things I had to learn here – the numbers in Spanish.  I made a mistake paying her, giving her one mil too much and then I confided that I have a degree in Mathematics and tutored it for 3 years before coming to Medellin.

It started raining while I was sitting there enjoying my shake but luckily I had my small umbrella with me.  I stopped at Jhon’s office on my way back and told him that I probably won’t be available for a Spanish lesson tomorrow because my house cleaner will be there from 9am to at least 1pm and my refrigerator is being delivered.  It was like a monsoon going the rest of the way back to my apartment and by the time I got there I was soaked from the waist down.  The wind must have been from out of the north because water came in the bedroom windows and got about 60% of my bed wet on that side.

I’ve never heard lightning like I’ve heard it here!

I got an email from Teresa.  She likes that I’m studying the verbs because I’ll learn more Spanish and we can understand each other better.  She also said she felt very good about the pass (meaning the kiss?) and said I’m very good company.

I have to leave in a few minutes for the chess tourney so I’ll post this now.

T-shirt of the day: At any street corner the feeling of absurdity can strike any man in the face.

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