Monday, April 7, 2014

Monday, April 7th, 2014

Last night I went to bed at 10:30, got up twice during the night, woke up at 6am and got up at 6:30.

I had my usual coffee and croissant at Los Mejores.

I took a little money out of an ATM, bought a large bottle of bleach at Exito, had a glass of orange juice at Redd’s and was at Jhon’s office in time for my 10am lesson.

I checked my emails at the apartment and José wants to deliver the chess table tomorrow at 3pm.  I replied that that works for me.  I picked up my chess set and had a double Whopper Jr. with small fries and small soda at Bk for 9500 (with coupon).  I saw a woman wearing fur lined leather boots – I can’t believe it – it must be at least 80 degrees out now.  Sarku’s is now advertising Chicken MandariYaki to complement their Chicken Teriyaki.  I’m pretty sure it’s chicken with sweet & sour sauce.

I was at LM by 1:30 and ran into Harry right away.  He gave me a hard time about not calling him.  I told him I thought I would see him here at the mall Sunday morning but he didn’t show up.  He wants me to check my schedule and tell him which day from about 3-5pm I would be available to go with him to look at furniture.  Tuesday my chess table is being delivered, Wednesday afternoon I have my eye doctor’s appointment, and Thursday I should be playing chess with Dario in his building – or my apartment - so I guess Friday would be best.  Saturday at 6pm he wants us to go to El Poblado (Parque Lleras) to try to meet some ladies.

Dario showed up right at 2pm and first I introduced him to Harry.  This time I got lucky and got the white pieces.  It was a close game and I overlooked a few moves and he was up a couple pawns.  We each had a rook, I had 3 pawns and he had 5 pawns but I guided one of my passed pawns with my king and he had to block it with his rook.  I had another passed pawn on the other side, I sacrificed my rook to stop his passed pawn and he wasn’t able to stop both my pawns so he resigned.  If he had been one move closer he would have won, it was that close.  So, now I’ve won 5 games in a row and Dario is beside himself!

I made another ATM withdrawal.  This is the first time I remember taking money out of my ATM twice in one day and getting different exchange rates.  I didn’t think that could happen.

I saw Bob talking to Jhon at his office.  Jhon brought up the subject about giving me Patricia’s telephone number.  Bob said he doesn’t have it any longer; he deleted her number out of his cell phone and deleted all her pictures.  He said she was a master manipulator and wouldn’t wish her on his worst enemy – maybe he meant me.  Lol.

I guess I don’t need to try to find her any longer since I’m meeting women on LAC and AFA.  That was why I was having pizza at Pizza Americana every weekend because a month ago around noon I saw her sister there walking their husky.  I finally figured out that Maria would probably give me Patricia’s cell phone number but I haven’t seen her since.

Back at the apartment I had an email that Teresa sent me last night.  She answered my question about what she did last weekend: she watched movies with her daughter and they ordered takeout.

It’s been at least 10 days since I sent my last email to Rubi and I haven’t heard from her so I sent her a followup email.  Maybe she didn’t like my pictures?  I gave her the phone number of the Medellin AFA office if she is having trouble with the Virtual Email approval process.

Dinner tonight was the Aztec Salad and mango juice at Yummy in LM for 11,500.  As I thought, if you add some refried beans and cheese you would have something very close to the nachos I used to have in the States.

Best idea for a t-shirt I have yet to see: I’ll be McDonald’s and you be Burger King, I’ll do it my way and you’ll be loving it.  :-)

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