Friday, November 29, 2019

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving Americans!

Last night I went to bed at 10:30, fell asleep quickly, was rudely awakened at 1:30 by a calf cramp, fell back asleep, got up at 4:15, fell back asleep, woke up at 6:30 and got up at 7am.

I feel like I’ve got a ball in my calf and I wonder how that’s going to affect my walking today.

I left the apt at 7:45 and walked to downtown Envigado.  I had breakfast at Carbon de Leña, made an ATM withdrawal, bought a package of AAA batteries at Exito, and walked to the used bookstore to exchange paperbacks.  I arrived at 9:10 and found it still closed.  Drat!

I walked back to La Buena Mesa and had a café con leche in Parva.  There was no line when I arrived but it got busy pretty fast.
I returned to the apt at 10:30.

So far my calf is not giving me any trouble.

Laura needs us to send her her birth certificate.  Teresa thought she found it but in my opinion it is a copy and Laura says she needs an original.  Teresa showed me where it says “original” on the page but, LOL, the word “original” doesn’t magically disappear if you make a copy of it.  In my opinion an original should be partially in color or embossed so you could easily tell the difference.  I recommended she show it to a Notaria and get their opinion.  She thinks the original might be in a suitcase in our garage storage area but that’s packed with stuff and will be very difficult to get to.

Teresa has to take her mother to a doctor's appointment.

I left the apt at 11:30 and walked up to Avenida Poblado.  It was a 5 minute wait for an Envigado bus.  I arrived at Parque Poblado at 12:05 so I walked up to Patrick’s Irish Pub instead of taking a bus.  I was still 10-15 minutes early so I walked a couple more blocks to Los Souvlakis.  Both the guys working there spoke English.  I told them it’s been 30 years since I’ve had a souvlaki so I will be returning to try theirs.

I walked back to Patrick’s and found a lot of the tables were reserved.  I joined Paul, a gringo from Boston, alone at one of the tables.  He is just visiting here for a few weeks and I gave him some advice about visiting Guatape.  I had the turkey plate and a Coke for about 78mil.  The turkey was just from a turkey roll and all of the food was room temperature but I was mainly there so I could see the Bears vs Lions game.  I recognized one of the gringos sitting outside and at halftime I was going to say hi but a shoe shine guy soon got in the way.  I saw Jooks arrive with a couple young Colombians.  The Bears pulled it out 24-20 but they’ll be lucky to win more than one of their last 4 games against the Cowboys, Packers, Chiefs, and Vikings.  I said “hi” to Jooks on the way out.
I walked down to Avenida Poblado and took a bus back to Envigado.

I figured out how to play music through the TV using my USB drive.  I also figured out how to add songs to a playlist but I don’t know yet how to play the playlist.

10,719 steps today.

Joke of the day
A little old man shuffled slowly into an ice cream parlor and pulled himself slowly, painfully, up onto a stool.  After catching his breath, he ordered a banana split. 
The waitress asked kindly, "Crushed nuts?" 
"No," he replied. "Arthritis."

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