Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September 5th, 2014

Last night I took a bus to Sport Wings and arrived about 7:20.  It took them about 10 minutes to find the game on ESPN3 (channel 626).

I ordered something different this time - their “baby beef” - which includes fries.  As with most beef here in Medellin it was chewy but at least it was chewable. Along with 2 Cokes and tip the total came to 40mil.  

After I had been there a few minutes a couple of gringos came in with a gringa and were cheering for the Packers (or maybe cheering against Seattle).

I was surprised to see an advertisement for 2 Monday night games.  That’s the first time I’ve heard about that.

I left at halftime and Seattle was ahead 17-10.  I was surprised at how busy the restaurant was for a Thursday night as most of the tables were taken.  A/N was also playing but most of the customers were couples and they weren’t facing the TVs.

I went to bed at 11:15 and had a little trouble getting to sleep (Cokes?) partially because when the “whistle guy” was in the area he blew the #*&@ thing every 5 seconds!  I finally closed my bedroom door and fell asleep quickly.  I got up twice, at 1:30 and 5am, and then woke/got up at 6:30.

I checked the new US releases and there doesn’t appear to be anything I want to see.

Locally, The Expendables isn’t playing during the afternoon but it is playing at Vizcaya at 7pm and Los Molinos at 7:30.

The Purge: Anarchy is playing at Oviedo at 1:40.

If I Stay is playing at Oviedo at 1:20 and Santafe at 1:30.

I checked the NFL schedule and can now see that there are 2 Monday night games – an early one and a late one; anything to bring the league more money.

I had my usual breakfast at Los Mejores and then picked up my towel from Beatriz.  The orange juice stand wasn’t there so I studied a bit in Viva CC.  I stopped in Exito and was pleasantly surprised to see that they have restocked their large size of coconut granola.  I bought one for me and one for Teresa.

At the beginning of Spanish class I had Jhon call Teresa to tell her about the change in plans for tomorrow: we’ll have to eat before we see the movie but I recommend we buy tickets before we go to dinner so at least we don’t have to worry about standing in line later.  Teresa wants to meet at 3pm at the Mayorca Mimo’s.

I had some more positive replies regarding my HDMI question but now I can’t find them.

I left the apartment at 12:30 and was at the Cine Colombia in Oviedo by 1:20.  As usual my ticket was 5mil and popcorn and soda 12,100.  The movie, The Purge: Anarchy, was okay, nothing special, lots of shooting.

On the bus ride back to the apartment there was an attractive young lady with long black hair sitting in the seat in front of me.  She was fiddling with her hair and while I was reading my Nook, suddenly a load of black hair lands in my lap.  She said “I’m sorry” as she retrieved it and I said “no problem”.

I plan to have a bowl of cereal for dinner tonight.

T-shirt of the day: This shirt keeps moving on.

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