Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday, September 11th, 2014

Today is the 13th anniversary of the terrorist attack on America.

Last night I went to bed at 10:30, fell asleep quickly, and was awakened at 5am by a light rain.  I got up, took more Passiflora drops, closed my blinds, put on my facemask and went back to sleep.  I finally woke/got up at 6:50am.

I had my usual breakfast at El Comedor de Chava followed by a little study before my Spanish class.

Again I helped Jhon with his translation for the first 90 minutes.

When I got back to the apartment I found the epm & Une bills.  I owe $96,392 for epm and the usual 72,964 for Une.

I emailed Margarita to inform her that the bills were here.  She responded that if I wanted, her parents could pay my September bills next month and then give me the remaining amount from my 2,100,000COP deposit.

It has been raining on and off since early this morning so when it stopped again at 1:15 I took a bus to Los Molinos where I bought a ticket for 5 mil to The Angriest Man in Brooklyn (5.6) – Robin Williams’ last movie released during his lifetime.

I had about 40 minutes until the movie started so I got a quick haircut from Juan Rojas.

I bought my usual small popcorn and medium soda for 11,700.

First I had to sit through the Pied Piper short again.  Sigh!  

I saw coming attractions for Sex Tape with Cameron Diaz (5.3) (what I saw was probably the best part of the movie) and Gone Girl starring Ben Affleck scheduled for an October release.

I didn’t think the movie was very good, as evidenced by its low Imdb rating but there was one scene where James Earl Jones has a stuttering attack that I roared through.  One quote from Robin Williams during the movie is "On my tombstone it'll say: Henry Altman 1951-2014. I never knew until now: it's not the dates that matter it's the dash."  In reality, he was correct except for the name.

After the movie I saw posters advertizing the upcoming movies The Maze Runner (8.3) whose trailer on IMDB looks pretty good and is scheduled for release next Friday the 19th and Interstellar which is scheduled to be released in November.

I took a bus back to the apartment and arrived just before it started pouring again.

I found another answer to my HDMI question: “I do that all the time. I don't have a DVD player so I hook my laptop to the TV via HDMI. The TV is just another monitor then. It will show on screen whatever is on your laptop screen. (Or, if you have Win 7, press F4. That will give you an option to use only the TV. Your laptop will run cooler.)”

I had a bowl of cereal for dinner.

T-shirt of the day: Success is defined by how you handle setbacks.

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