Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wednesday, September 10th, 2014

Last night I finished the 2nd season of The Killing.  The killer and all the other tie-ins were finally revealed, it all made sense and once again there were surprises.  I wonder what the 3rd and 4th seasons are about.

I went to bed at midnight but didn’t fall asleep until about 1am.  I got up once during the night, woke up at 6am and got up at 7am.

Life is full of surprises!

I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast.

The movers arrived at 8:35.   Carlos mentioned that one of the plants that was his height when he first moved it here back on March 17th now reaches to the ceiling.

Now only did they take the plants and a large box that Teresa and I filled with kitchen stuff, but also my smallest wooden table, the fancy end table that goes with the nicest bed, the plastic chairs, and my sofa.

He asked me approximately when the 2nd move would be and I told him probably Friday, September 26th.  He said to call him to confirm.  They left at 9:25.

I spent the first 90 minutes of my Spanish class helping Jhon with his translation.  It really needed my help.

Teresa called at noon and informed me that they arrived.  Jhon talked to her and she explained they had something else to take care of on the way.

I left the apartment about 12:30, took a bus to Monterrey, and walked up the hill to Flip Flop Sandwich Shop.  Imagine my surprise when I saw the place emptied out.  Luckily the owner saw me and told me they have moved across the street.  It’s a smaller space for apparently less rent.  She told me they moved just about a week ago and are still waiting for permission to put umbrella tables out on an area next to the sidewalk.

I had a BLT and a Coke for 10mil.

I walked down the hill past Cedimed to Avenida Poblado and who did I run into but Maria.  She told me she has a friend who saw me in the Exito Envigado with my girlfriend.  I told her I’m moving to Envigado in the next 2-3 weeks.

After we said our goodbyes I walked up to Santafe where I found local 2210 is a Levi’s store.  I asked the saleslady if they carried Levi’s 527 boot cut and she showed me a 33x32 pair.  I asked her how much and she said 200mil ($100).  I asked if this is the only Levi’s store in Medellin and she said they are in many of the malls.  I told her I didn’t have enough money with me today but I would come back.  Boy, she had a beautiful smile!
As I left I could see that in the open area of the mall they are building a gigantic maze.  That should be interesting when it opens.

As I was cutting through Oviedo I stopped in their food court, bought a medium Pepsi and sat down to cool off while I read a little more of my Nook book.

On the bus back to Viva CC I was surprised to see a woman that looked a lot like Teresa only about 10-15 years younger.

I bought another bottle of the Passiflora drops and then a package of 6 small bottles of Coke.

On the way back to the apartment I chatted with Jhon for a few minutes who was still working on that translation.

Approaching my building I noticed Elkin with his dog sitting outside their apartment.  This was my opportunity to see if the dog biscuits I put in my fanny pack will help become friends with his dog.  I held out one of the biscuits and he came over and carefully took one and sat down right away to sniff it all over.  Five minutes later, after he had finished eating it, he came over and I gave him the 2nd one and petted him while he took it.  After that we were good friends and he would come over and sniff me all over.  His name is Mason.  I guess the gringo isn’t so bad after all!

Back at the apartment I had a bowl of cereal for dinner. 

T-shirt of the day: Big Fukin’ Deal.

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