Saturday, July 9, 2022

Friday, July 8, 2022

Last night I went to bed at 10pm and got up once during the night for a trip to the bathroom.  I got up again at 6:30, told Teresa I would meet her for breakfast in Los Porteños at 9:15, and went back to bed. It took a while to fall back asleep but woke/got up by alarm at 8am.

I turned on CNN to Breaking News that former Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe has been assassinated.

My cold seems better this morning but we’ll see if that continues.

I found Teresa having a tinto with her gf outside the natural food store Mundo Sano. They finished in a few minutes and Teresa and I moved to Los Porteños where we found Glenn who had already finished his breakfast.

Teresa left to get her hair done and I stayed and had another small latte while playing some speed chess. I received a text from Nobraskja that a package has arrived for me in FL.

After about an hour I returned to the apt and forwarded my Arazo Nutrition order to her.

I called (finally) Charles Schwab and got my debit card unblocked. I went online and set another Travel Notice from 7/8 – 7/31. The CS rep said I shouldn’t have to enter any additional Travel Notices after it expires. I certainly hope she’s right or this experiment could come to an end quickly.

Teresa called at 12:45 to inform me she was still waiting to get her hair done and I should order lunch for myself. I used Rappi to order a burger from Clap Burger and it arrived 30 minutes later for 30mil. Interestingly, they pack the burger and bun separate from the onion & tomato.

One of my readers recommended the Translate Now app. Is this it? It only has something like 500+ downloads.

I received an email from MagicJack that my phone number ending in -7560 expires in 30 days.

I finished watching the 7-part series John Adams (8.5) on MTV then I watched Heat (8.3) on Netflix.

Teresa showed me photos of Laura after getting what look like hair extensions today.

The USD keeps getting stronger against the Colombian Peso, with it topping 4,420 today.

Teresa informed me that she has to take MT to a doctor’s appointment at noon tomorrow.

Laura returned about 8:30, took a shower, put on a party dress and left again at 10pm.



Funny pix of the day

1 comment:

  1. Terry, it took awhile to get information regarding which TRANSLATE NOW app is the one I believe the Facegroups meant. Search for "Translate Now -Transltor". I do believe this is the one as they said it also translates itmes in pictures (take a picture of your pizza, it will show the spanish worrd for pizza and other items in the picture), text, voice camera witout taking a picture, when you text it shows in both langueges. The icon for it shows as blue colors, along with "Hello" and some Chinese or Japanese characters. Let me know how it works for you, please. I am also posting this on the blog for Saturday in case the company does not notify you of comments coming in.
    Jack Williams
