Thursday, July 21, 2022

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Today is Colombian Independence Day!

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, fell asleep quickly, woke up several times but quickly fell back asleep, woke up at 3:45, gave up sleeping and got up at 4:30, did some adjustments to my chess notes, went back to bed at 5am, finally fell asleep, and woke/got up at 7am. I don’t feel very refreshed this morning.

I had a dream last night. I was working for an insurance company. (The same one my buddy from college worked for, I just can’t recall the name.) It has a lot of buildings situated campus style. I was at my desk and a coworker was questioning my work. I told her I finished my program and could create test data but I’m still refining it. For some reason I have a revolver in my pants pocket. There was an announcement (PA system?) for an all hands meeting in another building. I’m now outside walking counter-clockwise around buildings looking for the meeting. I see a small note that identifies the location of the meeting. (Houston building? Maybe.) That still doesn’t tell me where that building is. Now I’m at the location of the meeting, standing outside under a covering. I’m with other people but I don’t see or hear any speaker. The same coworker from before notices the revolver. (Is that a gun in your pocket or…😊) I notice a policeman a few feet away. The meeting is over and I get lost trying to return to my building. I get on a bus that takes me from one end of the campus to the other. It waits a few minutes before returning to where it started. I get off. I continue walking clockwise around buildings. I go into one and see games, including chess. Good to know. I exit the other side and continue walking. I finally run into other coworkers and follow them back to my building. End of dream.

I met Glenn at Los Porteños at 9am. I showed him the iPhone that Laura gifted to Teresa and she wants 1 million pesos for it. Glenn said it isn’t worth much because it’s version 7 and now Apple is on appr. Version 14. (Later he texted me that the phone is 6 years old.) We are both incredulous that the US Secret Service could lose text messages as everyone backs up their data. Instead of following the CER he follows the Visa exchange rate. He believes the ATM rate you get today is the Visa exchange rate from two days ago. We discussed a number of other things but left soon after finishing eating as the place was packed and people were waiting for a table.

I thought Teresa and I were going to go to the mall today but we were both so tired it never happened.

The rain started about 5:45 and lasted about 20 minutes.

Teresa spent the evening cleaning both bathrooms and when she was done she pronounced it would be better if we didn’t go away for the weekend. I understand she talked to someone else and for our “cabana” (cabin?) you have to use a bathroom “outside”, whatever that means. Instead she recommends we buy a “coca”, whatever that is, to store water for the weekend.


Funny pix of the day

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