Friday, November 8, 2019

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Last night I went to bed at 10:30, got up at 3am and 5am, finally waking at 6am and getting up at 6:30.

I left the apt at 9:15 and walked to the mall.  I had a cafĂ© con leche in Todo Fresa until 10:15.  I made an ATM withdrawal, had a screen protector added to Teresa’s cellphone (45mil) and went into Claro.  After a 10 minute wait I talked to a rep and after 5 minutes I think I’ve got Teresa’s cellphone registered.  She said something about “in a month” so we’ll see.  If Teresa’s cellphone mysteriously locks up in the next week or two then I’ll know that the registration didn’t take.

I left the mall around 11:30 and took a taxi to Pricesmart.

For lunch I had their chicken wings/French fries combo.  I picked up a case of almond milk for Teresa and some ground beef for making spaghetti.  Downstairs I took a taxi through heavy traffic back to Envigado.  The new mall, still under construction, across the street from Pricesmart is called Arkadia.  The taxi driver, who spoke English because he worked in New Jersey for 10 years, told me the mall will open next week.

Stuck in heavy traffic, I texted Juan that I might be 5-10 minutes later and I arrived at the Otra Parte library at 2:10.  He had graded my homework of the 498 mate-in-one puzzles and it was unclear if I got one wrong.  He had me do a couple mate-in-two puzzles.  He continued with our lesson in the Najdorf Sicilian defense.  I showed him my game with Jose that I won with White and he showed me mistakes and improvements for both sides.  I showed him the game I lost with Black and he had lots of comments on that also.
He reminded me he leaves the country on November 23rd so besides our regularly scheduled meetings on the 14th and 21st to let him know if I want to meet any additional time.

He gave me some homework.  A few puzzles from a book he gave me and 656 mate-in-2 puzzles.  Sheesh!

I walked the few blocks to Parva.  (The library was warm and after my walk I certainly didn’t feel like anything hot so I asked the cashier to recommend something.  I ended up with an Escarchado made with mango juice and water and it was COLD for 6,600.)  I loved it so much I’m sure I’ll be ordering it regularly in the future.
I was back at the apt by 5:30.

I can’t remember the last time we’ve had rain so maybe the rainy season is over.

8,972 steps today.

Joke of the day
A guy sticks his head into a barbershop and asks "Hey, Buddy! How long before I can get a haircut?" 
The barber looks around the shop and says "about 2 hours," and the guy leaves. 
A few days later the same guy sticks his head in the door and asks..."how long before I can get a haircut?" 
Again, the barber looks around at a shop full of customers and says "about 2 hours." The guy leaves. 
A week later the same guy sticks his head in the shop and asks "how long before I can get a haircut?" The barber looks around the shop and says "about an hour and a half". The guy leaves. 
The barber looks over at a friend in the shop and says "Hey, Joey, I'll give you a free cut if you follow that guy and see where he goes." 
In a little while, Joey comes back into the shop laughing hysterically. The barber says, "this must be good, where did he go when he left here?" 
"Your house!"

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