Saturday, April 11, 2020

Friday, April 10, 2020

Self-isolation Day 24.

Last night I went to bed at 10:30, fell asleep quickly, woke up at 3:30, couldn’t fall back asleep, got up at 5:30 and took half a sleeping pill with a drink of water, closed the blinds and turned on the fan, finally fell back asleep, finally waking/getting up at 8:15.

Democrats are not only looking into how the unprecedented allocation of stimulus money is distributed to states and businesses, but also what warning signs officials may have issued that could have prevented the scale of the current crisis and whether the administration was under-prepared.  Good, I can’t wait for the congressional hearings to start.

We got a little rain in the afternoon.

Per the evening news the number of coronavirus cases has increased thus: 1,184à1,406à1,485à1,579à1,780à2,054à2,223à2,473 with 146à150à172à183à209à234à239à246 in Antioquia.  Bogota has the most cases with 587à695à725à779à861à992à1,029à1,121.  A total of 46à50à55à69à80 have died.

Here is the breakdown by age (showing change):

Minors under 20: 45à57à69à75à77à85à97à115à128à153

20-40 years of age: 399à477à550à610à643à673à750à854à905à1,009

40-60 years of age: 304à355à428à473à507à541à617à709à766à836

Older than 60: 158à176à220à248à258à280à316à376à424à475.

1,690,000+ cases worldwide with 496,000+ in the US.  The US also passes 10,000 in total deaths.

77 more deaths today in New York bringing the state death total to 7,844.  Today they started burying unclaimed bodies in a potter’s field in the Bronx.

Joke of the day

[at the mall]

“Excuse me?  I lost my son.  Can I please make an announcement?”

“Of course”

[leans into mic]

“Goodbye you little shit.”


  1. "The US also passes 100,000 in total deaths"? Come on Terry your bias is showing when you try to blame the whole world's problems on one man. Also the other numbers you put on the blog are not plain. Are they just copy and paste and not coming out right?

  2. My brother just pointed that out - 1 too many zeroes. "Plain"? please explain.

    1. Bogota has the most cases with 587à695à725à779à861à992à1,029à1,121.
      This is what is showing up in the blog.

    2. Those must be the "arrowheads" that I created that aren't showing up. Strange that no one else complained about that. What device are you using to read my blog? maybe that's the difference.

  3. Yea, why didn't Cuomo order more supplies two years ago? Is that a reasonable question? NO! Biases are too oblivious to show rational thought. Cuomo is the current darling of the liberal media as they are hoping that he will look presidential, therefore, they fail to show the real president. Also the states have a lot more control of health issues in the USA than the fed government. National Guards are usually controlled by the states unless they are called up and federalized. Also governors command the national guards until they are called up and federalized. A misunderstanding here is why Bush got so much blame during the hurricane. The Governor of LA has to invite FEMA to come in. FEMA can't just jump into a state and take over.

  4. Also, think about it. Although the NY National Guard was not called into federal service - guess who is paying the salaries of the NY National Guard at the President's orders.

  5. Of course, every state and the federal government could have ordered more supplies 2 years ago. Recently states were bidding for supplies against each other where the federal government could have relieved that problem by stepping in. Why didn't the federal government act sooner? Isn't that a reasonable question? Every day they delayed they put American lives at risk! Timing is everything!

  6. My guess is that unlike some of us who have tremendous experience in these things, the federal government hadn't experienced anything like this recently so they were unprepared. Too bad they didn't take my advice - yea, like I have experience in these things - really. How many national football championships could I have won after the game was over?

  7. When you fire experienced people and replace them (or not) with incompetents, this is what can happen. Most things this administration can cover-up but a disease just doesn't care about "alternate facts". ---- And this isn't just a national football championship; wouldn't you say this should be taken more seriously?

  8. I truly believe that everyone almost is taking it seriously. Why do you believe that Trump isn't trying to look out for our "whole" well-being. Not having money to buy food or produce food isn't going to work anywhere. Just look at Venezuela.

  9. I believe he is trying. So would you or I. I just don't believe he is competent, like you or I. What did he do during the month of February to alleviate the virus? He pooh poohed the idea of a virus until the middle of March. Please correct me (WITH FACTS) where I am wrong.

  10. You're right on the until mid March but don't be clouded because this doesn't seem reasonable at this time but in mid March there was a possibility that this virus wouldn't be as bad has it turned out to be. Let's see how the "advanced" socialist countries like Venezuela handle this when they all start dying off. And if they don't start dying off, then we will have a clear indication that taking no action whatsoever would have been the best course because socialism is such an advanced system.
