Monday, April 6, 2020

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Self-isolation Day 20.

Last night I went to bed at 10:30, fell asleep quickly, got up once at 4:30, took a while to fall back asleep finally waking/getting up at 8am.  Not bad!

Teresa has been making me pancakes with Bisquick (and blueberries) for some time now but for herself she makes one with the Aunt Jemima mix.  Today she finally made one for herself with Bisquick and exclaimed “how delicious” it is.

With more than 10,000 new cases reported on Friday alone, New York state has seen a "new high," Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Saturday. At least 3,565 people have died in the state, with more than 114,000 cases reported.

The state has yet to reach the peak of its curve, Cuomo told reporters, saying projections forecast the apex is between four and eight days away. At that point, New York's health care system will face its "ultimate challenge," Cuomo said.

"But there's part of me that says it's good we're not at the apex because we're not yet ready for the apex either," he said. "We're not yet ready for the high point. We're still working on the capacity of the system. The more time we have to improve the capacity of the system, the better."

President Donald Trump on Saturday said the unproven drug combination he has referred to as a coronavirus treatment could be preferable to placing Americans suffering from COVID-19 on any of the 10,000 ventilators states have requested from a federal stockpile.

"One of the reasons that I keep talking about hydroxychloroquine is that the question that nobody ever asks, and the question that I most hate the answer to, is what happens if you do have a ventilator," Trump said.

"But when you have a ventilator... and it's working beautifully, I don't like the answer because it's not a very high percentage," he continued.

"So I want to keep them out of ventilators, I want to keep them -- if this drug works, it will be not a game changer because that's not a nice enough term. It will be wonderful, it'll be so beautiful, it'll be a gift from heaven if it works, because when people go into those ventilators, you know the answers, and I'm glad you don't write about it."

After all these years I thought I was pretty good at English, but can someone tell me what the hell that means?

This is a very good video of what it’s like in the epidemic epicenter in Italy.

A review of federal purchasing contracts by The Associated Press shows federal agencies largely waited until mid-March to begin placing bulk orders of N95 respirator masks, mechanical ventilators and other equipment needed by front-line health care workers.  (I wonder if that was on March 16 when the president finally seemed to accept reality.)

I started watching a series on Netflix titled Pandemic which, incredibly, was released January 22, 2020.  I recommend everyone view it.

For dinner we finished the Mu ribs.

Per the evening news the number of coronavirus cases has increased 1,184à1,406à1,485 with 146à150à172 in Antioquia.  Bogota has the most cases with 587à695à725.  A total of 35 of died.

Here is the breakdown by age (showing change):

Minors under 20: 45à57à69à75à77

20-40 years of age: 399à477à550à610à643

40-60 years of age: 304à355à428à473à507

Older than 60: 158à176à220à248à258

After President Duque spoke on the news Teresa told me he said that if Colombians will take the self-quarantine seriously we can end this by the end of May.  But if they don’t take it seriously then those over 70 will have to self-quarantine until the end of the year.  Yikes!

The US has more cases, 337,000+, than Spain and Italy combined and it looks like its still on an large slope.

Joke of the day

Of course I touch myself when I think about you.  It’s called a facepalm.


  1. Very simple and easy to understand. The president is saying that hopefully the drugs will work and people will not need to be on ventilators.

  2. But there is no, as yet proven, certainty that there is any good benefit gained from using chloroquine for treating this virus. Dr. Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has reported as much. And despite Fauci's reasoned explantions, Trump continues to push using this drug, and has now begun silencing Dr. Fauci in daily briefings.

    It is amazingly frustrating to watch this pinhead of a POTUS repeatedly disregard scientific and medical expertise and instead make wildly uninformed decisions which negatively affect the health of the US public during this unfortunate pandemic.

    1. Meth Hosp in Houston is using the old tried and true plasma format and had good success. Just read this yesterday. is a great news aggregater and an index to every news outlet out there. He is good because otherwise all you get is negativity from CNN with no reasons for the negativity presented.

    2. The old hammer and nail syndrome. If you look at everything like a hammer all you will see are nails instead of maybe there is something else or another way of looking at things. In other words, the person who already has an opinion before objectively observing what is out there will continue to miss what is going on.
      P.S. No ill feeling just discussion with different views and as a matter of fact you and your family were on my prayer list today for safety and health.

  3. Pobrecito. No need to single us out. Feel free to pray for everyone.

    1. You are very correct, I was merely mentioning that as I prayed for all that I included ya'll.
