Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Monday, April 13, 2020

Self-isolation Day 27.

Last night I went to bed at 10:30, got up once about 4:15, woke up at 7am and got up at 8am.

My back is feeling pretty good this morning.

Last night Trump retweeted a call to fire Antony Fauci after the coronavirus expert said earlier measures ‘could have save lives’.  Wouldn’t that be what you call cutting off your nose to spite your face?

Trump: “Governors should have had ventilators. They chose not to have them.” Really?

South Korea reported that at least 116 people initially cleared of the new coronavirus had tested positive again.  Not good news!

Neel Kashkari, head of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, warns that ‘barring some health-care miracle’ the US could be looking at an 18-month strategy of rolling shutdowns.

Teresa asked me what is special about the year 1917.  I had her repeat it twice to make sure I understood correctly.  I assumed she wasn’t interested in Worlld War I so I replied, “There was a Spanish flu that killed millions of people worldwide.”  She asked me “why doesn’t she remember that?”  I wrote down “1917?” on a piece of paper to confirm the date.  She said “yes, but why don’t I remember that happening?”  I tried to explain that she wasn’t born yet but it took her a while to get it.  We kid about her having alzheimers but sometimes I wonder if she doesn’t really have a problem.

Trump claims he can overrule States over ending coronavirus shutdowns.  Today he announced his picks for his “Council to Re-open America” that will make recommendations on when to get Americans back to work during the coronavirus pandemic.  The list consists of: son-in-law Jared Kushner, daughter Ivanka Trump, Mark Meadows, Steven Mnuchen, economic adviser Larry Kudlow, Robert Lighthizer, and US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.
Not a single pandemic expert, public health expert, economist or business leader.  And ultimately, Trump will probably make the decision based on his gut.  What could possibly go wrong?

Jared Kushner who was tasked with finding peace between Palestine and Israel, then put in charge with building the border wall, is now in charge of a supply chain unit inside of vice president Mike Pence's coronavirus response task force.

Larry Kudlow who declared the virus to be “contained” in late February. Wilbur Ross who predicted the virus would lead to a boom of jobs returning to America.

Some good news.  The US hit a peak of 35,100 new cases last Friday, capping a seven-day stretch in which new cases averaged more than 31,500 a day—the heaviest weekly rate yet. Since then, new cases have declined, dropping below 29,000 on Sunday for the first time since April 5. 

Per the evening news the number of coronavirus cases has increased thus: 1,184 to 1,406 to 1,485 to 1,579 to 1,780 to 2,054 to 2,223 to 2,473 to 2,852 with 146 to150 to 172 to 183 to 209 to 234 to 239 to 246 to 272 in Antioquia.  Bogota has the most cases with 587 to 695 to 725 to 779 to 861 to 992 to 1,029 to 1,121 to 1,205.  A total of 46 to 50 to 55 to 69 to 80 to 112 have died.  

Here is the breakdown by age (showing change):

Minors under 20: 45 to 57 to 69 to 75 to 77 to 85 to 97 to 115 to 128 to 153 to 178.

20-40 years of age: 399 to 477 to 550 to 610 to 643 to 673 to 750 to 854 to 905 to 1,009 to 1,146.

40-60 years of age: 304 to 355 to 428 to 473 to 507 to 541 to 617 to 709 to 766 to 836 to 968.

Older than 60: 158 to 176 to 220 to 248 to 258 to 280 to 316 to 376 to 424 to 475 to 560.

Keep in mind the last two numbers are changes over the Friday-Monday weekend.

Per the Johns Hopkins website, 2,000,000+ cases worldwide with 682,000+ in the US.

Joke of the day

I love how music can take you to another place.  Justin Bieber is playing in this café so now I’m going to a different café.


  1. I see you changed the number display and it is a little more clear but it seems it is still somewhat confusing with the "rolling" count method and the way it is displayed. I am also not understanding why there is reported on the blog 2,000,000+ cases worldwide when the John Hopkins website shows "Total Confirmed 1,935,646" immediately after reading the blog Tuesday morning at 9:30. The number of "Total Confirmed" cases was 582,634 for the USA not the number posted. I remember from a previous blog you asked for correction.

  2. I am remiss to not acknowledge the good news of the rate of infection decrease and I see it even dropped below 25,000 reported new cases yesterday the 13th of April. I know it is still a concern even with good news due to our having loved ones in the USA.

  3. I noticed a reduction also for Johns Hopkins case numbers from Monday to Tuesday. I have no explanation but I don't think I copied it wrong. Is it cases outstanding? Meaning, eventually it would approach zero? Don't Know.
