Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Last night I went to bed at 10pm and fell asleep quickly. I woke up at 12:15 and made a trip to the bathroom. Laura’s door was closed so she must have returned by now. Back in bed I quickly fell back asleep and woke/got up at 7:15.

Laura got up at 9am and said she really enjoyed the French toast at Ganso y Castor. I had her convey a few things to her mother: 1) When she uses metal spoons and such on the T-Fal pans it tears off the coating which we end up eating. 2) When she washes dishes and silverware in the dark she can’t tell if they are clean and I find food on some of them the next day.

At 10am I met Marcos for coffee at Maca. Tomorrow he leaves for Arizona and their 110-degree weather to be with his 3-year-old grandsons for their birthday. He will return in two weeks. Two stores down from Maca an $efecty store has opened which should allow me to pay my Direct TV bill without having to go to Parque Envigado.

I walked across the street and quickly caught a taxi to the bookstore near Parque Envigado where I exchanged my semi-James Patterson novel for a real James Patterson novel. I walked 6 blocks to Todo Drogas where I purchased my medications and supplements for the month. Interestingly, I always put the purchase on my debit card and I’ve gotten the same currency exchange rate of 3742. Huh? I just found an error in my USAA spreadsheet where in some cases I had the constant “3742” copied from cell to cell. Got that fixed! A new item was 490mg of Magnesium capsules. I hope to replace melatonin with Magnesium without worsening my sleep. Across the street workers were destroying the little mall where my brother and would occasionally go for cheap calentao.

I stopped at a tienda naturista where I bought bottles of Omega-3 and Potassium.

Outside I hailed a taxi and returned to my apt by 11:15.

Teresa and Laura left at 12:15 for a doctor’s appointment.

I left again at 1:45 and had a Cesar salad with chicken and a fresh strawberry juice in Ganso y Castor for 41,200 ($10). 

I never saw my waitress again after she delivered the food. After waiting about 20-minutes to see someone to ask for a check I went inside and paid the bill without a tip.

I walked around some ongoing construction in the street to Parva where I had coffee and read for a while. It seems they keep trying to fill my cup to the max. 

I wanted to return before dark so I left at 5pm.

Teresa wanted to go for supper and after waiting some time for Laura to return we told her we would meet her at Rocket Wings. We arrived at 8:15 and Laura arrived 5 minutes later.


Funny pix of the day

1 comment:

  1. Terry, I belong to many Facebook ex-pat groups. On several of them there have been conversations about translation apps for smart phones. It seems the consensus is "Translate Now" does the best job. You might think about trying it when you want to explain something to Teresa.
    Thanks for the funny pictures and all of the other photos you post,
    Jack Williams
