Thursday, August 18, 2022

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Last night I took a Zopiclona and went to bed at 10pm. I fell asleep relatively quickly. I got up about 3:30 for a trip to the bathroom. I couldn’t fall back to sleep so I got up at 4am and did some work on the computer. I returned to bed at 5am.

When I woke up I looked at my cellphone and the time was 7:59am. I’m supposed to meet Teresa at Los Porteños in 1 minute. I took a shower, called Teresa and told her I’d be there in 10 minutes, dressed, shaved and stepped out of the elevator at 8:17 so I guess I can do it in 18 minutes.

Teresa was having a latte and kindly waited for me to arrive before ordering. She had their ham sandwich on whole wheat croissant and I had a whole wheat croissant with scrambled eggs. We each had another latte.

Teresa soon received a phone call that Ricardo is in the hospital with colon cancer. I learned he is the ex-husband of Adriana (Teresa’s sister); I’m now starting to piece together their names and relationships.

Teresa left as she has a 1:30 thyroid echograph appointment and I stuck around and had another latte while playing some speed chess. I left around noon and returned to the apt.

Teresa left at 1pm for her echograph appointment in Mayorca then she’ll take the metro to Prada station where Catalina will pick her up and take her to the hospital.

For lunch I had leftover ribs and still have one left for supper.

I left at 3pm and walked to the mall. I had some chess notes printed then while walking across the atrium in the mall my right calf started tightening. I stopped for a minute to massage it and it soon felt better. I need to be careful with too much walking. In Santa Leña I wanted something cold so I ordered a Granizado Americano. 😊 Less than $5 including tip.

I made a large ATM withdrawal then bought some things in Exito. While waiting in line for 20 minutes I noticed a man with two grocery carts full of Fab laundry detergent 😊 and I saw a couple kites flying well above the rooftops, probably from Parque Envigado.

Well, Jeannie and Jacob will arrive tomorrow. I’ll meet them in the airport and Carlos will bring us back to our apt in Envigado.

Teresa came back and mentioned she wanted to visit ella (her) tonight. I told her I thought it was Ricardo who had cancer and she replied it was his sister Gladis (Gladys?).

At 8pm we took a Didi to Calle 23 #41-20. I thought it was going to be a hospital but it was an apartment complex. We were led to a back bedroom where she was lying in bed softly moaning. Teresa went into full nurse mode getting her something to eat and drink. When Teresa pulled down her blanket to massage her stomach I thought “why am I the only guy in this room with Gladis, Teresa and 3 other women? Give the lady some privacy” so I moved to the living room. We left at 10pm and returned to the apt by Didi.

I gave up reading Ted Bell’s novel, Phantom. Good thing the hard cover only cost me $1 to rent.


Funny pix of the day

1 comment:

  1. Terry, you are a kind, decent, good man, a better one than me. Thanks for sharing some of your life with me.
    Jack Williams
