Saturday, October 5, 2024

Friday, October 4, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 2am, waking/getting up at 6:15.

We left our room at 6:45 and walked around town a little, finding the restaurant Santorini (still closed) on Carrera 10. We returned to the hotel and had breakfast (included) by the pool. It appears there is only one other couple in the hotel. I guess it isn’t tourist season.

Well, we had some excitement. A large Iguana entered the area and took a swim in the pool. Finally, it came out and a worker captured it and I understand it will be taken to a finca to catch critters:

Another couple arrived so now there are 3 of us (couples).

We had lunch by the pool, both of us had Milanesa de pollo a la napolitana con queso derrerido y pure de papa.

Twice I swam 2 laps in the pool and now my face, neck and shoulders are a little red.

At 1:30 I couldn’t take the heat anymore and returned to the room and our air conditioning. I lied down in the bed and fell asleep for about 45 minutes.

I called Teresa to see if she still wanted to go for ice cream. Instead, she asked me to bring down a few of her things.

She continued to work on her latest purse project while I continued my book, at least until it got too dark.

Teresa thought she spotted another lizard

but after I took a close-up photo and zoomed in I could see it was just a branch.

At one point a branch fell on the floor only 3 feet from me. Not that it was heavy enough it could do damage, at most probably scratch me up a bit.

I had ribs for supper but they were lots of work to cut between the meat and the bone/cartilage.

We were just finishing supper when at 7:30 a downpour started and we returned to our room.

Well, at this rate I should be able to finish this 449-page book before we leave.

More info about Peter: One doctor says he should have a Pacemaker while another doctor says no. And something about he had a tick when he was younger. (Well, they do work in the woods.)

I’m now one third the way through my book so I should have no trouble finishing it before we leave.


 I Need Vitamin Sea

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