Friday, October 4, 2024

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 11:30, woke up at 5:45am and got up at 6:15.

Opening today in Cine Colombia is Horizon: An American Saga (6.7) but I guess it’ll have to wait until I return from Santafe de Antioquia.

I texted Jose I won’t be playing chess next Tuesday as I’ll be starting my Visa/Cedula renewal process.

I left the apt at 8:30 and walked to the mall. After recycling a couple plastic bottles, since I was already in the parking garage (S1 level), I decided to try to find the escalator that goes up to Casa Ideas (between the restrooms and Urbania). I ended up coming out at the escalator that I usually take when I return from Unicentro. Next time I’ll aim more to the right.

I had a latte in Urbania while continuing with my endgame book. Teresa called and asked me to pick up a package of Alpina crema de leche before I return to the apt. At one point a woman stopped and asked me what type of shampoo I use. I told her Pantene but my hair is probably mostly hereditary. I also mentioned I don’t shampoo every day – only Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. I left at 10:30 and stopped in Exito before returning to the apt by taxi.

We had pasta for lunch then I finished the remainder (1/3?) of the strawberry cake.

We left the apt at 2pm and taking the elevator down Teresa remembered she forgot her cellphone. Back upstairs she got it and we went outside the porteria where the Didi driver was waiting for us. He dropped us off at Ayura station where we soon were on a metro train. It got crowded and I was a little afraid someone might remove the umbrella or thermos from my backpack. Also Teresa had the carryon with her. I told her next time we’ll take a Didi for 20mil all the way to the bus station. At San Antonio station I finally got a seat.

We got off at Caribe station and walked to Terminal Norte. We bought our tickets for 45mi and got in a van. We were waiting for 2 others to fill the van but it was only a 5-minute wait.

It only took an hour to get to Santafe de Antioquia bus station; the new highway and bridge over Rio Cauca has taken at least 30 minutes off the trip.

I realized I forgot to bring my eBook to read.

Teresa said something about Peter (Laura’s boyfriend) being in a car accident, not remembering it and something about a heart attack. Then again, I may have misheard or misunderstood everything.

We quickly caught a motocar to take us to our hotel for 5mil. Teresa was happy we didn’t have to walk but I knew we were really only about 4 blocks away but the driver had to take one way streets which made It appear longer.

We checked in and they put us in room 217 which I guess is a little larger than before.

We hung around the pool, I had a limonada de coco and Teresa had supper but I wasn’t hungry. (I shouldn’t have eaten all that cake.)

They have added some games to their game room and they also have hundreds of books in English. I finally chose The Street Lawyer by John Grisham.



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