Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Monday, October 7, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up twice during the night, finally waking/getting up at 6:45.

We had breakfast at the pool and there was almost no one else there.

A waitress came over and I understood they wanted me to talk to someone in English. I met Richard & Claire from England and they were struggling to get hot water for their shower. (Welcome to the club.)

This is what our shower looks like:

And it appeared to be set for how water but I wasn’t getting any.

Claire had just learned that you can’t turn the faucet on all the way as the heater won’t have time to heat the water. So, she helped me more than I helped her.

I finished my book just on time, right before noon. I closed the book and noticed writing on the side. It looked like “Seidel”. I used Facebook to search for the name and one that came up was a friend of Jeannie and Jacob. Imagine that.

Btw, my daughter got married again, still to Jacob, this time in a Greek Orthodox church.

Teresa talked to someone and we got a reprieve, we don’t have to check out at 1pm we have until 4pm.

For lunch we had rice soup with ground beef on the side that I added to the broth.

At 3pm we went up to our room and took our last shower, dressed and finished packing. A few minutes before 4pm we left, tipped a couple of waitresses and went to the front office. The girl spoke English and presented me with our food & drink bill of 1,386,111 pesos ($330). So, the total for room, food, and drinks for 4 nights came to 4,021,221 pesos ($967.66) or $242 a night. Teresa agreed with me that it was expensive so next time maybe we’ll try the Dann Carlton Bilfort.

We took one of those moto taxis to the bus station for 5mil. It was organized confusion there. We waited about 5 minutes until a van pulled up and we got in. Another 5 minutes and others got in and we were on our way. We arrived at Terminal Norte about 75 minutes later. Teresa wanted to save money by taking the metro but I didn’t feel like maybe standing up the whole way and a taxi is safer.

We arrived back at our apt by 7pm and Teresa had the porteros turn our water and gas back on.




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