Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tuesday, April 9th, 2013

7:30 and I’m sitting outside on the tree bank with Angel.  There is a small strip of grass between the sidewalk and the street I try to get him to stay on but he tends to wander all over including lying down behind me on the sidewalk.  He has yet to go #1 or #2 outside that I’ve been able to detect.  I guess I’m just getting some good practice in for the day when he puts 2 and 2 together and starts going outside.

While outside there is a delivery across the street of 8 rolls of colorfully patterned what looks like foam rubber.  Some are predominantly pink and others predominantly blue so I think they are constructing something for children.  An attractive young lady comes by and sweeps up all the leaves with a broom and puts them in our large garbage bag.  All the above sounds freak out Angel pretty well as he jumps and then will sit very close to me.

11am and the garbage men finally come through.

We went to Angela’s and had a nice lunch of steak, beans, rice, plantain, banana, and potatoes.  This time we didn’t take Angel with us so they wouldn’t have to put their adult Labrador retrieved in their garage.

I finished the book Gabby: A Story of Courage and Hope.  I strongly recommend it.  It gives you hope that some of our members of congress really put their constituents ahead of fundraising.  I started Band of Brothers by Stephen E. Ambrose.

Stopped at Exito on the way back and bought meat, rice, and some other things for 34,100 pesos.  No, we didn't partake of Mimo's 2 for 1 ice cream special today.

As soon as we got back I took Angel outside and for the first time he went #2 in the grass.  It would be nice if this was a breakthrough and he started doing it consistently.
Reina left to pick up her adjusted dress for 7mil.  When she came back she was disappointed because he put in an elastic band for the waist.

1 comment:

  1. I should say: make sure with Angel that you're not reinforcing any behavior that you don't want him to exhibit. for instance, if he barks or cries, your instinct may be to pet him to console him, but he'll realize from this that when he barks or cries, he gets attention. whatever you're doing when you pet them/give them a treat is what they'll think you want them to do consistently.

    also, like I said, don't expect angel to be housebroken any time soon. they can't even physically hold it in until 4-6 months, it seems.

    - Jim
