Saturday, July 9, 2016

Friday, July 8th, 2016

Among today’s new US movie releases I might want to see Cell (4.4).  Locally I’d still like to see Independence Day playing at El Tesoro.

Laura and Teresa left about 9:30 for the 10am exercise class.  I left at 10:30 to do my hour of penance for all my years of sloth.  At 11, Teresa told me the class isn’t going to start until noon and do I want to stick around until it finishes at 1.  No, thank you.  At her suggestion, when I left at 11:30 I bought a cup of fruit (papaya, mango, and pineapple) at a stand on the corner for 2mil.  I stopped at the tienda (little local store) and bought a 1.5 liter bottle of Coke for 3,500 pesos (it’s 3,000 at Exito but I’ll pay 500 pesos more for the convenience of not having to wait in long lines and lug it back to the apartment).  Back at the apartment I closed the bedroom door, closed the bathroom door and took my shower.  While drying myself I opened the bathroom door so as to get some cool air from the bedroom.

While sitting here writing my blog the wind blew the bedroom door closed, for some reason it’s locked and the key that is the lock doesn’t work.  Uh-oh!  (Usually I have a weight positioned to keep the bedroom door open.)  Now I’m stuck sitting here in a terry cloth wrap until we can get it open.

When Teresa came home she wasn’t very happy when she learned what happened.  Hey, why do they have a key in the door that doesn’t unlock the door?  Actually, I thought I tested all the keys before but it was with the doors open.  Not sure why that would make a difference.

I checked online for device drivers for my Toshiba hard drive but it said there weren’t any.  I found 5 Windows updates that hadn’t been made so I updated my laptop with those.  I tried again to copy a file to my hard drive and no change – it still didn’t work.

Teresa called Martha and a man showed up about 20 minutes later.  Of course, the bedroom door doesn’t have a deadbolt lock on it so first he tried taking a thick piece of plastic and sliding it between the door and the jamb – kind of the equivalent you see in the movies when someone opens a door using a plastic credit card.  Anyway, that didn’t work so he took what looked like a couple hex wrenches, slid one into the bottom part of the lock opening and wiggled another smaller one inside the top part.  That didn’t work so he had Teresa give him some cooking oil and he put some of that inside.  Then he went back to the hex wrenches and after about 15 minutes he got the door open.  It cost me 20mil.

We have a couple hours of sun in the living room in the afternoon so Teresa put down my sleeping pad, put a towel on top of it, put some tanning oil on her legs and laid down in front of the window.

I left the apt about 3:30 to go play chess.  I took a bottle of water with me that I had left in the freezer.  It took a long time to defrost.  At one point I’m pretty sure I saw Oscar from the health club walk a small dog throught the park – I called to him but he didn’t hear me.  The first man I played pushed me all over – it seemed like every move I was trying to prevent some threat.  I sense he was expert or master strength because he handled me so effortlessly.  After losing to him I lost to another man then beat him and then beat a 3rd man so I was 2-2 for the day.

I got back to the apt just before 6pm.

Tomorrow we’re going to Santafé again so Teresa can work on her tan and I’ll relax by the pool.

T-shirt of the day: Life rules everything around me.

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