Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Monday, July 11th, 2016

I received an email from MBE that my package has arrived.  I think I might pick it up tomorrow while Teresa is at the health club.

Today at the health club I weighed in at 76 kilos so I’m down a couple pounds from the first day I started.  I increased my treadmill time by another minute to 17 minutes.

I saw Jose and asked him if he had a small dog and he said yes and even showed me a picture of it on his cell phone.  Now I understood why he didn’t turn around last Friday night was because I called him Oscar.  There is an attractive lady in her mid 40s working out there and I asked Oscar if she was his wife or girlfriend and he said just a friend.

I left the apt about 3:30 to play chess and Teresa was going to get her nails done.  While walking around observing other games, waiting for someone to invite me to play, a couple men came up to me and all I understood was they wanted to invite me to join their chess team.  I asked if they had more information and they pointed to the far side of the park.  I followed them across the park and across the street and into what I understood was city hall.  We walked through the new section into the old section and up to the 2nd floor.  In the office no one spoke English but after they simplified their words a little I understood that this Thursday at 2pm in Parque Envigado the 5 of us will play a simultaneous exhibition against 50 other players.  That will be fun; the last time I did that was back in the 70s when a few guys from my chess team played a simul in a mall in Aurora, IL.A man took down our names, ages, cedula numbers and telephone numbers (I couldn’t remember mine).  I noticed that each of the other men were in the 63-65 age range.

Back at the park a man declined to play against me because I’m too strong.  That’s the first time that’s happened; I’m starting to be known and getting a reputation.  I finally was invited to play against another young man with his arm in a sling (which might be why he isn’t working and instead is playing chess).  Both games were very close and he won the first game with the black pieces and I won the 2nd game with black.

I ran into Teresa as I was walking back to the apt.  She had the old polish removed from her nails but didn’t have the new polish on yet.  We felt a few drops of rain as we walked back to the apartment.

About 7:30 it started raining seriously.  It stopped before we went to be but it did make for a slightly cooler than usual evening.

T-shirt of the day: Oh no, it’s Monday again.

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