Sunday, March 15, 2020

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Today is Pi (π) day. 3.14, get it?

Last night I went to bed at 10:30, got up twice during the night, finally waking/getting up at 7:40am.  (The last time I got up I closed the window and curtain and turned on the fan as prevention; it can get noisy here early in the morning.)

Teresa showed me how she forced the desk drawer closed but it can still be opened so I guess I got close to installing it correctly.

The fumigator arrived at 10:10 and including the little available space in the garage storage area he was only here for 10 minutes.

Teresa leaves soon to go to the finca to pay the guy who cuts back the jungle.

I left the apt at 10:30 and walked to downtown Envigado.  I bought my new prostate medicine and an oral thermometer at Todo Drogas.  I also asked for hand sanitizer but he brought me this large bottle with a pump handle.  I was looking for something more portable but they were out so I declined.  At Bancolombia I added 178mil to our gym account.  Walking down Avenida Poblado I saw a Twizy car parked on the street with a long cable leading into an apt.  I’m pretty sure it was recharging but I was very surprised with how thin the cable was.

In Parva I had a pastry with arequipe and drank a café con leche while solving a few chess puzzles.  I returned to the apt but didn’t feel that hungry so I just hung out watching movies on Direct TV.  At one point I did see this message appear at the bottom of the screen: “FACTURA VENCIDA, RELIZA TU PAGO”, which I think means “your bill has expired, make your payment”.  Now I have to remember to tell Teresa, she has to call Direct TV to find our how much I need to pay, then I need to go to Baloto to pay it.

In the afternoon I had an apple with peanut butter and later a few salted-in-the-shell peanuts.

Teresa called me a few times explaining she was having coffee with a friend and later waiting for a bus in Caldas.

She called again at 8:15 and I met her in her taxi with Luz Maria.  We went to Antica Pizza where I was a little surprised how busy they were.  Well, it is Pi day.  Luz Maria mentioned their new location has more seating space.

We were back at the apt by 9:30.

7,317 steps today.

Joke of the day

A farmer’s wife is tending to his prized donkey when it rears its hind legs and kicks her right in the head, knocking the life out of her in an instant.

The funeral took place a few days later, and the farmer’s friends consoled him one-by-one.

As this was happening, the pastor looked on and saw the farmer shaking his head “no” to all the ladies, but he was nodding his head “yes” to all the men.

The pastor asks him: “Why were you shaking your head no to your wife’s friend but nodding your head yes as your friends walked past?”

“It’s simple.” The farmer stated. “The women asked if I needed anything, and I said no.”

“Alright, so what about the men?” The pastor asks.

“They asked if they could borrow the donkey.”


  1. Interesting, Terry . . . Your JOTD (Joke of the Day) today is almost exactly the same joke that you ran on March 11th, q.v.
    That donkey/mule surely seems very much 'in demand', indeed.

  2. Thanks. I removed the previous one from my file of jokes.
