Thursday, March 19, 2020

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Last night I went to bed at 10:30, got up twice finally waking/getting up at 7:15.

Teresa had already seen some news and informed me that “adultos mayoras” (over 70?) are not allowed out of their apt except to go to: the bank or the doctor, and foreign offenders will be fined 1 million pesos.  And they can’t take public transportation only cars or taxis.  This is supposedly in effect from 7am this Friday the 20th until the 20th of May.

I checked online Colombian news and found the National Post confirmed the president declared a state of emergency with details to be announced Wednesday (today).  “To protect our grandparents we have declared an obligatory isolation starting Friday March 20 from seven o’clock in the morning until May 31.”

“All adults older than 70 must remain in their homes except to buy groceries and medicines, use health services, and access financial services.”

So far, 75 people in Colombia have been infected by the Coronavirus, most of them after traveling in Europe or the United States.  No deaths have been reported.

The president spoke again this morning.  I’m sure I’ll get a translation later.

One newspaper quote from Colombia Reports:

Colombia’s President Ivan Duque on Wednesday overturned curfews imposed by governors and said the medical federation’s recommendation to impose mandatory isolation was “absurd.”

I spent most of the afternoon watching TV. 

If I understand correctly, Bogota is going to have a mandatory isolation drill this weekend where everyone stays home.

Colombia has 93 cases (8 in Medellin) and surprisingly, most of the infected are in the 20-40 age group.

I went next door to Exito where I bought 2 bags of milk.  I noticed tape on the floor, where the lines would form, marked as a meter.

I talked to Teresa a bit about the finca.  I understand its been rented since February 1st, she just got the contract signed but still hasn’t been paid.  I told her I didn’t like that idea but she said she wasn’t concerned because she could collect from the fiador (cosigner).

1,385 steps today.

Joke of the day

At Friday night services, Morris went to his friend Irving and said,
"Irving, I need a favor - I'm sleeping with the rabbi's wife.
Can you hold him in temple for an hour after services for me?"
Irving not very fond of the idea, but being Morris' lifelong friend, he reluctantly agreed.
After services, he struck up a conversation with the rabbi asking him all sorts of stupid questions in an effort to keep him occupied.
After some time, the wise rabbi became suspicious and asked, "Irving what are you really up to with all this?"
Irving, filled with feelings of guilt and remorse, confessed to the rabbi "I'm sorry Rabbi, my friend Morris is sleeping with your wife right now and asked me to keep you occupied."
The wise rabbi smiled and, putting a brotherly hand on Irving's shoulder, said, "Irving I think you'd better hurry home, my wife died two years ago!”

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