Monday, March 2, 2020

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Last night I went to bed at 10:30pm, got up once during the night, finally waking at 5:30 and getting up at 6:15am.

Teresa is going to a 2:30 mass in La Ceja with her mother so she will be gone most of the day.

I created a new D: Jokes folder using my February 9th backup, I managed to copy all my chess lessons to the D: Chess folder by copying them a few folders at a time, and I copied my blogs from my February 9th backup but had to recreate those since by copying from Blogger.

I left the apt at 8am and arrived at Ganso & Castor at 8:30.  Glenn texted me that his Uber driver was lost and they arrived 10 minutes later.

I had the acai berries, strawberries, granola with Greek yogurt with 2 café con leches for 35mil.

After solving the world’s problems, I brought up the subject of having a poker night.  They were all in.  Now we need to find at least a 4th and better a 5th and 6th.

At 10:15 we decided to move to another café and it took about 20 minutes to get a check.

At Pergamino I wanted something different so I ordered a frappe caramelo for 9,700 that was quite good.

We left at 12:15 and I ordered a Didi car that arrived 5 minutes later.  I got out as usual at the stoplight by McDonald’s and walked up the hill to the apt.  They continued on Sabaneta.

I tried fixing the date on my Timex watch but no luck.  I guess I’ll have to pay a guy a few mil to reset it.

I moved my iTunes music files to the D: drive.

The OneDrive app on my cellphone has no documents or pictures (only a copy of my desktop taking up 3KB) so that’s a good sign.

I cancelled my 1Terabyte Microsoft OneDrive subscription effective 3/17/20.

Teresa called me about 4:30 and told me they were in a bus on the way back to MT’s apt and, no hurry, but I should meet them at her apt and we would go to the movie.

I arrived at 6pm we walked across the street to the mall, I recycled a pill bottle and we went to Cine Colombia.  I bought 2 preferred seats to The Invisble Man for 19,200 each that was playing in the IMAX theater.

We ordered chicken nuggets, fried yucca sticks, a small popcorn and sodas for 36mil and the latter 2 were brought to our seats just after the movie started.

We really liked the movie although the background music at the beginning and the end was quite loud.

We walked back to the apt.

I finished reading Ken Follett’s A Dangerous Fortune.

7,765 steps today.

Joke of the day

A man and his wife were in a fancy restaurant. While ordering, they noticed the waiter had a spoon in his shirt pocket, and after looking around, they observed the other waiters and busboys each had a similar spoon. So the husband says, "What's with the spoon?"

The waiter said, "Well, we had this company come in and evaluate our time management and they found that people drop their spoon 74.8% more often than any other utensil, so if we carry one with us, we can reduce the trips back to the kitchen by 3 hours per shift.

The husband was impressed. Sure enough, he dropped his spoon during dinner and the waiter replaced it with his, stating, "I'll just get another when I go to the kitchen for something else".

While ordering dessert, the husband noted that the waiter had a very thin string hanging from the fly of his pants, as did the other waiters, so the husband points out, "Hey, there's a string on your pants!"

The waiter tells him, "Not all my customers are as observant as you... the same company found that we can reduce the amount of time spent in the bathroom by 2 hours each shift if we tie a string around the end of you-know-what, and when we have to go we just unzip and pull it out with the string completely eliminating the need to wash our hands, thereby saving time."

The husband was impressed, but asked, "That's a good idea... but how do you get it back in your pants?" 

The waiter leaned close and whispered, "Well I don't know about the rest of them, but personally I use the spoon.

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