Thursday, February 7, 2019

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

I got up once at 3:30, quickly fell back asleep and woke/got up at 7am.

Jim had already left the apt – probably about 6am.

Teresa and I left the apt at 8am and arrived at El Tesoro by 8:30.  I had a café con leche at OCake while we waited for 9am.  We updated Teresa’s contact information with the receptionist then she went in to see the female gynecologist.  She came out a few minutes later and informed me that everything is okay and where it should be – lol. 

We went down to the mall but it was only 9:30 and obviously most of the stores don’t open ‘til 10.  We stopped in a small café where we shared a croissant with our coffees.

At 10:15 Teresa went into Zara to check out the sales while I waited outside in a comfortable easy chair and read my Nook book.  I observed a body guard riding a fancy G4S segway.  Teresa found 3 dresses that only cost me 109,700 pesos ($37) then we went to Crepes & Waffles but we arrived at 11:30 and we had to wait until noon for them to open.  I made a quick look at the mall’s Dunkin Donuts and they also had the apple fritters for 3,300 pesos but they call them manzana canela.  I had a good turkey pita sandwich and iced tea and Teresa had her usual surf & turf and juice for $19.

We went back to Zara but Teresa didn’t find anything else that she liked.  We stopped in Steve Madden, a shoe store that also sells backpacks.  What?  She bought a beautiful pair of high heels that I understood were 279,300 pesos with a 30% discount.  When I was paying I found out that that amount was AFTER the discount so they cost me $90.

There was a short line for a taxi back to the apt.  On the way we saw an old pickup truck on an incline slide slowly through a stop sign into a Metro bus.

I found an email from Medellin Guru with a review of El Barco the restaurant we were at yesterday so that was Jeff I briefly saw.

I decided to make more oatmeal cookies this afternoon with Teresa’s help.  This time I added 1 more egg and used larger walnut pieces.

The first batch I forgot to use Pam to oil the baking sheet and they stuck and we had to pry them off but they still tasted better than previously.  The second batch I made smaller and they also stuck a bit.  With Jim’ recommendation I made the third batch on aluminum foil but I made them too large and they ran together and we had to break them apart after they cooled.  Most of them still taste good though.

Jim came returned about 6:45 and explained that with cooking you can play around with recipes but with baking you need to follow the directions precisely.

Alex tried calling me but I or he had some problem.  Later I found I had some problems making calls and I finally found one problem was that I had wi-fi turned off on my cellphone.

In the evening I watched some of the State of the Union followed by some of the rebuttal then went to bed.

Per The New York Times “…the investigations surrounding Mr. Trump…have spread far beyond the special counsel’s office to include virtually all aspects of his adult life: his business, his campaign, his inauguration and his presidency.”

It’s just a matter of time!

Joke of the day
An engineer, a priest, and a doctor are trying to enjoying a round of golf. Ahead of them is a group playing so slowly and inexpertly that in frustration the three ask the greens keeper for an explanation.
"That's a group of blind firefighters," they are told. "They lost their sight saving our clubhouse last year, so we let them play for free."
The priest says, "I will say a prayer for them tonight."
The doctor says, "Let me ask my ophthalmologist colleagues if anything can be done for them."
And the engineer says, "Why can't they play at night?"

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