Sunday, May 30, 2021

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Last night I went to bed at 10:30, fell asleep quickly, got up once at 5:30, couldn’t fall back asleep, got up at 6am. I went back to bed at 7am and got up again at 8am, having only slept at most 30 minutes.

I left the apt at 9:30 and walked to the mall. On the way I saw police frisking a young man near the gas station. I said “hi” to Herman and he asked if Teresa was still selling the finca. I said “yes” and I told him I would give him her contact information next time I see him. Crossing Avenida Las Vegas I saw a long line of cars for people waiting to get vaccinated in the mall garage.

In Exito I bought an HP mouse that works with Windows 10 and a Belkin USB cable for recharging my cellphone. Near the entrance to the mall there is a recycling station where it appears they pay for plastic bottles. I had one with me so I added it to someone else’s collection.

In the mall I had coffee at Santa Leña. Victoria from Envios Market texted me that they will deliver my package today and the cost is 43,800 pesos. When I left I bought a bag of milk, 2 small cartons of eggs and lasagna pasta sheets in Exito. I returned to the apt by taxi in a light rain.

I put 44mil in an envelope and wrote Envios Market on the front and left it with the portero.

Teresa soon returned and made ground beef lasagna for lunch. Delicious! When Glenn returns she’s going to gift Glenn one and we’ll see if he wants to buy more. She left at 1:30 for a doctor’s appointment in downtown Medellin. I hope there won’t be any protests going on to inconvenience her.

I renewed my MagicJack service for another year for $39 (plus $3.51 administration fee plus $2.73 FL sales tax).

Teresa soon returned and told me the roads are closed because of the continuing protests.

I had my 2-hour chess lesson with Juan Castro. After, Teresa told me my package arrived at the porteria.

Again, it was like Christmas. The package included 2 finger pulse oximeters that Teresa wanted, my new black webbed belt, a New in Chess magazine, an American Chess magazine, my $1400 stimulus check (finally!), 3 new $2 bills from my brother (surprise!), and lots of annual legal notices and change of address acknowledgments from my pension companies.

I checkmated BrianEricMurphy in 29-moves increasing my rating to 1527.


Johns Hopkins’ 7-day average of new infections and deaths has the US with 22,999 ð 21,980 ð 21,104 new cases and 596 ð 485 ð 457 new deaths.

Per Medellin Guru, as of this afternoon Colombia has a total of 3,294,101 ð 3,319,913 ð 3,363,061 cases with 86,180 ð 86,693 ð 87,747 deaths. Medellin has 296,683 ð 298,526 ð 302,031 cases, an increase of 1,706 from May 28th to 29th. Envigado has a total of 24,478 cases, an increase of 103 from May 28th to 29th. The Medellin Guru website is back to normal. I just missed one day’s date.

Joke of the day

I went out on a blind date with a woman I met online. So I went to go pick her up. I wasn't expecting much, probably 300 lbs with bad skin.


I walked up to the door and lo and behold, 5'2", baby blue eyes, strawberry blonde hair, just gorgeous. I couldn't believe my luck. I asked her what she did for a living. She said she taught sunday school. Now I never had me a Christian girl, but I'm open minded so I took her to dinner.


On the way, I lit a joint and asked her if she puffs. "Oh heaven's no, what would I tell my Sunday school children?" I said okay, not everyone's idea of a good time.


I took her to the best restaurant I knew. I ordered the steak, she ordered the lobster. I asked for the second most expensive bottle of wine on the menu. When the waitress came to pour, she said she didn't drink. I said "you don't drink?!?" "Oh heaven's no, what would I tell my Sunday school children?"


Excellent food, sparkling conversation but i'm bummed out, I don't know what to do with a girl like this. So I'm driving her home and pass a cheap motel, I figure, what have I got to lose.


So i ask: "Wanna get a room and knock boots?" She says: "I thought you'd never ask!" I say: "Really? What are you gonna tell your Sunday school children?" She says: The same thing I tell them every week. You don't have to drink and do drugs to have a good time!"

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